Mikael Comment


Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
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Wow...just reading the new LOTFP and Mikael is so cool! He says "I'm willing to risk our entire future on this next album". He says that while everyone expects them to play it safe, he's gonna go for broke, and it will be no filler, 100% quality the whole way through. Goddamn this will rule! Thanks Jim, for another enlightening interview
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn
Arugh? Which issue is this? I haven't gotten one since issue 14 - Jan. 22. Then again, I live in Canada, so it's probably just not here yet...

Yeah, the #15/16 double issue mailed out this past Friday. It's on its way!
Ahh..forgive my ignorance but I'm not sure what you guys are on about. Where exactly can I get a copy of this mag or webzine or whatever it is in sydney, australia? Am keen to see a transcript if possible?...
Hey Jim, that was one MONSTER interview! Wow...I have never EVER gotten so inside a musicians head. All that stuff about Abruptum and Varg was pretty freaky. Man, Dan is cool dude...I was hanging on every word he said! Man...I also liked the ways that Mike and Dan kept giving stories about each other in their respective interviews.

Congrats on an epic piece of music interrogation!
Originally posted by Cutter
Ahh..forgive my ignorance but I'm not sure what you guys are on about. Where exactly can I get a copy of this mag or webzine or whatever it is in sydney, australia? Am keen to see a transcript if possible?...

Go to the web address in Jim's .sig. It's a "mini-zine" that he mails out weekly. And all of his interviews with Opeth and Swano are monsters (though these seem to be bigger than usual).

And as far as I remember, he does mail worldwide (it'll just cost you a bit more...)