Mikael please read...new CD!


Apr 20, 2002
Danville, CA
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Well as i was reading the forums i had a great idea...i thought that maybe Opeth could release a cd with there "greatest hits" even though it'd be really hard to choose them :)...Not only could they release the cd but they could also re-record songs that had bad recording on previous cd's so they could sound a lot better on a new cd...i was wondering what everyone thinks of this idea...especially Mikael
ehh.. I dont know how they could choose these greatest hits. Its not like they had singles and videos on the charts and stuff. But the re-recording old songs sounds cool. Maybe they could re-record like 2 or 3 and add them on to the end of the next album. I think that would be interesting...
I don't like greatest hits shit. All opeth songs are a part of each album and separating them isn't a good idea IMO. And re-recording cds IS a good idea but it really is much work, and I'd rather have two brand new records than having the re-recorded versions of Orchid and morningrise in my collection.
Eh, I don't want any songs ripped out of the context of their albums...

However, I'd love to get a Live DVD, and I'd like them to play lots of old stuff, which sounds so much more powerful live IMO.
I would even consider buying a DVD player then... :p

I think a Live DVD would cover all interests from "rerecording" to "greatest hits" quite well.
1. Mikael Never reads this forum anymore.
2. Greatest Hits? They'd only be able to fit one song from each album on a compilation CD, and everyone's favorite songs vary so much, it would be impossible to choose. Greatest Hits albums are usually just quickly and effortlessly put together by greedy record companies to pull in more money from dumb fans and from bands who only have 2 good songs on each album (whatever songs were a single) - none of this is Opeth.
3. Re-Recording songs would probably be cool, but is never going to happen. The songs might have better production but that special something about them might be missing if it's different.

Instrumental album? now that's something that never crossed my mind. I wish they already did it in the morningrise/orchid era though, because those CDs were basically half instrumental. Today, I don't know what It'd sound like. I was hoping they would do a one-song album, that would be interesting.
IcemanJ256 said:
I was thinking they whould do a one-song album, that would be interesting.

a one song album would suck unless it was a 60 minute song or so and even then it would suck because i could never listen to a song for 60 minutes...it would eventually get boring :Smug:....also they could never play that song in concert cuz it would be way too long!...a one song album would suck either way you look at it...if its only like a 10 minute song like the average opeth song IS then it would be a total waist of money and if it were 60 minutes than it would be a total waist of cool riffs that opeth could have used for other songs
My thoughts are:



3. TAKE SOME TIME OFF, like a year or so... relax... listen to some music... go back to the streets... work in that record show of yours... i dunno... just DONT RUSH anything
Sfarog said:
My thoughts are:



3. TAKE SOME TIME OFF, like a year or so... relax... listen to some music... go back to the streets... work in that record show of yours... i dunno... just DONT RUSH anything

My thoughts exactly... I say relax, chill, hang out with family, and whatnot. Mikael: get married!

After that long break, record another album and blow us all away.
InFlames235 said:
a one song album would suck unless it was a 60 minute song or so and even then it would suck because i could never listen to a song for 60 minutes...it would eventually get boring :Smug:....also they could never play that song in concert cuz it would be way too long!...a one song album would suck either way you look at it...if its only like a 10 minute song like the average opeth song IS then it would be a total waist of money and if it were 60 minutes than it would be a total waist of cool riffs that opeth could have used for other songs

Of course it would be a 60 minute song, that's the point. a 10-minute one song album would be an EP. Haven't you ever heard of Green Carnation - Light of Day, Day of Darkness? Even if you haven't, it's a one-song 60-minute album, and it works. It changes dramatically a lot, if Opeth makes a song like that it's not going to get boring because they know how to keep your attention. Imagine listening to Orchid or Morningrise except it's only one track and the songs flow smoothly to the next song. And, they could play it live, but it would be the whole show. they'd play it for that tour, and probably never again.
Mr. Niel said:
This would never happen. Opeth is very album oriented. That's also why there will never be a live album.

I would hope they could record the damnation tour and release one of those shows as a live cd! The same thing for deliverance. Two Cd's One Heavy and one Mellow! If they could also play Black Rose Immortal live soon and then put that on the end of the Heavy Deliverance live cd then that would be even a bigger seller!
InFlames235 said:
a one song album would suck unless it was a 60 minute song or so and even then it would suck because i could never listen to a song for 60 minutes...it would eventually get boring :Smug:....also they could never play that song in concert cuz it would be way too long!...a one song album would suck either way you look at it...if its only like a 10 minute song like the average opeth song IS then it would be a total waist of money and if it were 60 minutes than it would be a total waist of cool riffs that opeth could have used for other songs

Listen to Crimson by Edge of Sanity.
First of all, I don't usually like greatest hits albums. You usually add the so-called money-making and popular songs to an album and leave the prestegis ones off the list. Secondly, Greatest hits from Opeth would be a waste of time for Opeth. They don't have any hits. Every album is an epic with an album-orientated story. Most of the songs are too long for a greatest hits. For example, Blackrose Immortal is one of the best-respected and exhalted Opeth songs. I imagine any best hits from Opeth would have to contain this song, but it is fucking 20 minutes long. That leaves you with at most 60 minutes left. With those 60 minutes, you can prolly only fit, at most, seven more songs. That would give you a total of eight songs on a greatest hits from a band with seven albums; sounds like poor representation for a band. All in all, there isn't enough space to put a good amount of Opeth songs onto a greatest hits album. (They could do a double like the Doors greatest hits, but Opeth is not as popular as the Doors were).
I would rather have an album like Tool's Salival. It contians rerecordings of some songs, some new songs, and live recordings of some. Possibly Opeth could toss in a new cover or two *begins to think about a cover of Enter Sandman.*
Opeth just isn't popular enough for a greatest hits.