Mikael's blue PRS guitar

Whale blue has always been a top PRS finish and it there's no real way of telling other than the serial as far as I know. Did someone above read this somewhere...?
I may have, I can't recall, but I just have a sneaking suspicion that it's an '89.

But again, I could be way off and have no idea where I actually got that idea.
for some reason im thinking 1994... but then again that could be because of PRS custom 24... its hard to say... but with his other equipment's dates id say between 1960 and 1975
If it's a pre-factory Custom 24 (1995) then the neck heel is about an inch shorter but that is not easy to tell without actually getting your jands on the guitar. The older ones are supposed to be a lot nicer, but I have only played a recent Custom 24 (and only in a shop). I have a 1993 Ce-24 which I'm very happy with though, definitely the best guitar I can currently afford.
^ I was at the show last night at the front and I can definitely say that Mikael's blue PRS (the one without binding) that is tuned to drop-D (played DotF and BWP) is a pre-95 because I remembered this thread and looked at the neck heel.

:colossalnerd: :erk:
Heh, well done there dudeman.

It's tuned drop-d? I always figured that was the guitar that stayed in standard, obviously not though.
^ I was at the show last night at the front and I can definitely say that Mikael's blue PRS (the one without binding) that is tuned to drop-D (played DotF and BWP) is a pre-95 because I remembered this thread and looked at the neck heel.

:colossalnerd: :erk:

Heh, well done there dudeman.

It's tuned drop-d? I always figured that was the guitar that stayed in standard, obviously not though.

Well in the Montreal gig last October he said he made a new solo album etc. and the song was "tuning my blue guitar" and he tuned it to standard...
Just thought I'd let everyone know that I talked to PRS a few days ago about Mikael's guitars and they said the blue color on his guitars is called "Black Pearl", also known as Pearlescent Black. The blue that you see is just one of the colors of the pearlescent paint. It's a custom only color that he specifically asks for on each of the guitars he has ordered from PRS.
No, the older one is Whale Blue.

Just thought I'd let everyone know that I talked to PRS a few days ago about Mikael's guitars and they said the blue color on his guitars is called "Black Pearl", also known as Pearlescent Black. The blue that you see is just one of the colors of the pearlescent paint. It's a custom only color that he specifically asks for on each of the guitars he has ordered from PRS.

that is entirely incorrect actually. but good try anyway.
Ive heard him refer to his blue 80s prs before, so 80-something for sure. Also, it doesnt have the sweet switch in place of the tone control, which is something you see up to 88 models i think. Like someone already said, id have to guess 89.