Mike live in Gigantour Chatroom Today!

I wont, I need my beauty sleep. Give us a report if he answers any of your questions :D
tank said:
Access Denied. This room has not been configured to operate on this web page.
To access this room, please visit: http://www.gigantour.com, http://gigantour.com

wtf does that mean

^ It is the chat link at the top of the forum page...

Maybe it won't be live until Megadave or whoeva activates it.

I have registered there but this is the message I get when trying to post...

Your account has been activated but you are currently in the moderation queue to be added to the forum

Sooo, I won't be able to ask Mike my burning question, which is...

Are their any plans to record and release a new Opeth, "Live in Concert" DVD ????? as my Lamentations DVD is getting a bit worn out. :(

Maybe Mixgrafix could ask this Q on our behalves eh ?

It would be great to record Opeth's gig at the "Roundhouse" in London on November ninth, as they have all the techy gear to do this in house I believe...

Oh well, we can all dream. :)
i'm in right now... in room1
somone said it will be 2 hours later?
i hope thats not true...
i cant get into the damn chat...someone please copy the chat so those who are screwed can at least see it later.
Tank: hey mikael! good to "talk" to you... important question: will there be another live dvd?
(with OLDER songs on it?)
Mikael: We're talking about doing another, but don't know when
phantom_death: hi mikael, here a huge fan from chile, where u have a lot of fans waiting for the great music of opeth, so i want to know when are you planned to come to south america?
Mikael: There's plans for a tour there but I can't remember the exact dates or countries right now...later this year

tank: do other band members post on the official opeth forum?
Mikael: Not that I know of...old drummer Anders used to be there

Q: will you come to austria one day again? and when do you think?
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FPS_Chris: hey mike im a huge fan, my friend chase mountney is your biggeest fan... what are your plans after touring!
Mikael: We end the tour in January and then I'm gonna chill

Turco: Hey Mikael, I was wondering what’s the status on that project with Mike Portnoy and Steven Wilson, is it still going to happen? See you in Oklahoma City!
Mikael: I'm gonna meet up with Steve in january hopefully to write some stuff

Q: after touring for such a long time, i think you deserved chilling
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MetalJack: Hey Mikeal, i read that the new Opeth material sounds "twisted", can you tell us any more about it?
Mikael: There's not much written so far, but what I've got sounds technical and twisted and the sort of music that will need a long time to sink in

Andelainscion: Hey Mikael, great to here you're coming back to Ireland, any chance of you playing The Drapery Falls for us there?
Mikael: Dunno...we're tired of playing that song, but maybe

TheHeartCollector: Mikael, any thoughts on Opeth's future musical direction? I for one hope it goes in the vein of Atonement off GR. Will catch you guys whenever you hit BC/Seattle. Good luck with G2,man.
Mikael: Can't say right now. It's hard to follow a straight path musically...we wanna experiment

Rockchickbabe: Mikael i have only been into opeth a short time and i think u are amazing! please will you play Newcastle on your next UK tour as you arent this time
Mikael: I don't handle the booking myself but will forward this to management

tnk32889: have you heard the new maiden album yet? what do you think?
Mikael: Heard one song...Benjamin Breeg something...sounded alright to me

FPS_Chris: would you ever do a tour with katatonia/blood bath ???
Mikael: Probably not

18RustedHangars: Hye mikael , How has been the tour so far?
Mikael: Good, we're still tired from the flights...thanks for asking

ChrisEmerson: Are you looking forward to sharing a stage with Paradise Lost? Also, what is your favourite band that you have shared a stage with?
Mikael: Yes, love those guys. Porcupine tree

tank: will you come to austria one day again? and when do you think?
Mikael: I have no idea when but I'm sure we will return

18RustedHangars: Other than yourself what's your favourite band on this year's bill?
Mikael: Megadeth I guess

FPS_Chris: how did it feel to be asked by dave to play @ gigantour
Mikael: Quite honoured. He seem to be very nice

Rockchickbabe: you have a very unique voice (its awesome) who are your influences?
Mikael: Thanks...David Vincent and David Coverdale are 2 big voices for me

Cryptopsy: Hi Mikael, I'll ask a non-Opeth relater question, I hope it don't bother you. So, since I know you're a huge Voivod fan, did you heard their latest, Katorz, and what did you think of it?
Mikael: Haven't heard it I'm afraid, but I love Voivod and will get the record

MetalJack: Hey Mikeal, loved your work in Bloodbath...any chance you guys will get back together and perhaps play a few gigs in the future?
Mikael: Nope, don't think so

FPS_Chris: will u plz play deliverence in toronto...i want to mosh infront of a god!
Mikael: there's a possibility

RottingCorpse_06: What is your favorite song to play live?
Mikael: Right now I like Windowpane and Ghost of perdition

theprophet: Hey Mike, i was wondering if there are any plans on possibly remastering some of the older albums?
Mikael: I don't know...we haven't talked about it

Evolution169: Hey Mikeal, if I were to meet you at a live event would you shake my hand? That would make my life worth living.
Mikael: Not in a million years!!! Of course I would!

redwing605: Hey mike, first off I would like to say thanks for being one of a few number of good bands to come to North Carolina not many do. Do you know when or a projected date for when you and the rest of the band is going to get back together to work on new material.
Mikael: I'm gonna start writing in the new year and maybe record late Summer or later

shawnson: Hey Mike! Will you guys ever tour with Porcupine Tree again? I'd love to hear Bleak with Steve Wilson on vocals!
Mikael: Hmm, don't know, but we're labelmates now which makes it easier

Rockchickbabe: how did it feel when you were asked to go on Gigantour?
Mikael: Felt good, but I didn't wanna leave home

ChrisEmerson: What is your favourite country or area of the world to play in?
Mikael: Hmmm, Australia is one of my fave countries but I like playing anywhere

FPS_Chris: what is your favorite beverage to drink while on tour?
Mikael: Corona!!

18RustedHangars: What are your inspirations
Mikael: Music...all sorts of music

Andelainscion: can we expect any cover versions on the Euro tour?
Mikael: Maybe, but so far we've only done the Purple track

ChrisEmerson: Mikael, I love Edge Of Sanity's 'Crimson' that you appeared on. What was that like to work on? Would you have considered doing anything else with them in the future?
Mikael: It was fast. Just did the vocals in a few hours and the solo and that was that. I'm not sure if they're around anymore

MJW5150: Hey Mikael, it's Matt from the DevilDriver / Moonspell tour....Just wanted to say Hi and thanks for the memories. Seeing you play Blackwater Park night after night was amazing, and I'll never forget the time you guys played my special request at sound check in Houston (forest of october) !!
Mikael: Hey man! Thanks! Haha...I remember that!

ChrisEmerson: What is the hardest Opeth song to play for you?
Mikael: Ghost of perdition, but it's fun to play...The moor is hard too

18RustedHangars: What's the most memorable show you've done
Mikael: Some of the bigger ones I guess...Sydney some time ago was nice

FPS_Chris: are you a fan of lamb of god? if so have you heard there album...thoughts?
Mikael: I didn't know about the before the Sounds tour. Heard the last album a few days ago and it sounded good! Great guys too!

Andelainscion: how are you getting along with the other bands on G2, any favorites?
Mikael: We hang the most with Arch enemy for obvious reasons

chrislovesmetal: what direction do you plan on taking the band for the next album?
Mikael: Twisted and sick!!!

ChrisEmerson: How do you feel the rehearsal / recording process went for Ghost Reveries compared to previous albums? Will you use something similar in the future?
Mikael: We didn't really rehearse from the 3rd album and up til GR...so it was pretty different

metaldudeeric: how has it been since axe joined the band?
Mikael: Great! He's doing really well!

shawnson: I hear you're a huge Camel fan, as am I. What's you favourite album? Snow Goose for me.
Mikael: Moon madness

Andelainscion: what's the best thing you can say about PRS gutars?
Mikael: Hmmm....best guitar in the world??

theprophet: Hey Mikael, Opeth and Extol are huge influences of mine and i know you guys have toured together on multiple occassions in the past, i was wondering if there a chance for another tour with both bands in N. America? That would make my life COMPLETE!!!
Mikael: I have no idea right now

solstrale: hejsan Mikael, hur ar laget?
Mikael: Det ar bara bra!!

walksofar: how do you like washigtons next compared to some of megadeths older stuff?
Mikael: Hmmm, I like the classic records the most I guess

Q: what does solstrale: hejsan Mikael, hur ar laget?
Mikael: Det ar bara bra!! mean
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phantom_death: do you have a funny or a experience to remember in the gigantour?
Mikael: Mustaine punched me in the gut...friendly (I hope)!

Rahan: I thought the Chronology shows were a great idea. Why weren't those filmed for a DVD ?
Mikael: I don't know...I'm glad they weren't....

Rockchickbabe: what is your favourite track from Ghost Reveries? Mine is The Grand Conjuration. i cant stop playing it.
Mikael: Good, mine's the last song, Isolation years

McCartman: Hello, Mike, I just want to congratulate you and your bandmates for being one of the best current metal bands, for carrying the torch for real good metal that transcends the boundaries of the genre and go to that sacred place of "real good universal music".
Mikael: Thanks dude!

FPS_Chris: whats your favorite thing about sweden???
Mikael: My family

ChrisEmerson: Mikael, what do you think of the prog band 'Devil Doll'? I've really got into them over the past year or so
Mikael: Heard them a million years ago but Mr. Doctor and the bunch is not for me

FPS_Chris: any plans of playing the opera house, toronto again...that was by far the best intimate event i have ever been to!
Mikael: Have no idea, sorry

phantom_death: what do you think about south america, about the fans, are you expecting or excited to play there?
Mikael: We've never been there so I can't wait to find out!

Red: Everybody I talk to here in Albuquerque knows Opeth is the greatest band of all time. Thanks for coming. Can't wait 'til Sunday!
Mikael: Cheers buddy!

shawnson: Ever had any bad messups on stage while playing?
Mikael: All the time!!!

devilman: What's been the highlight of Gigantour so far?
Mikael: Hmmm...can't remember

shawnson: Hey Mike, have you seen any blue BMWs in the US so far? :p
Mikael: That's the only car I see here...scary!

tank: what will the limited edition of ghost reveries consist of, and will it be released in europe
Mikael: 5.1 mix, bonus track, 40 minute documentary, video etc...

x-rated: First of all Mike, I saw you with DevilDriver and Moonspell in Montreal and you were absolutely amazing!! Keep on going the marvellous work!!! 2 Questions....1- of course what can we expect from the next Opeth opus? and is there any desired date for a release? And 2- How do you feel being on this year's Gigantour? With bands that aren't exactly in the same king of metal that you guys play! Is it any anxiety about that? You rule guys
Mikael: 1. Disturbing music
2.Feel good....

Fluxcored: Mikael thank you for an incredible show in san bernardino, california. We brought our 2 year old daughter and she sang along to every Opeth song. Please let the rest of the band know we appreciate the good times. Was Per with you? We couldnt quite see.
Mikael: Will do...yeah, he was in the back

MetalJack: Im a big fan of Ayreons The Human Equation, and especially loved your role as "fear" and Devin Townsends Role as "rage".. what do you think of Devin? Are you a fan of his music?
Mikael: I'm good friends with Dev and I sincerely dig his music

walksofar: do you ever have troubles changeing your voice from a growling tone to something softer and vice versa?
Mikael: No, not really

tnk32889: what bands (if any) inspired your "growling" vocals?
Mikael: Morbid angel, Death, Therion

alpha_centauri: Mikael,what are your views on the current metal "scene"?who do you cite as 2up and coming" bands?
Mikael: Wrong guy to ask. I'm not into the metal scene as I used to be....I simply think too many bands are doing stuff I've heard before.

theprophet: hey Mike, do you have any tips for aspiring songwriters?
Mikael: Write songs!

solstrale: how would you compare american metal fans to european metal fans?
Mikael: They're pretty much the same wherever we go. Listening people which is appreciated

McCartman: What are you listening to currently? I know you're into Scott Walker's latest. Anything else, in the metal as well as the prog realm?
Mikael: Not really...still listening to old stuff

ChrisEmerson: Mikael: If you weren't a musician, what career would you otherwise follow? Hope to see you in Nottingham, UK in November!
Mikael: Record store 100% sure

x-rated: In which way (if any) will the departure of Martin (Drummer) affect you guys as a band?
Mikael: We'll see once we start writing with Axe

phantom_death: what is the song of opeth that have the lyrics that you like most and why?
Mikael: Hmmm, I can't recall right now

Andelainscion: have ever thought about doing another acoustic set?
Mikael: Maybe, I miss that somehow...

Rockchickbabe: do you prefer playing large or small venues?
Mikael: Both as long as they're packed

Cryptopsy: What was the best concert you ever attended?
Mikael: Heart at Sweden rock ruled! Iron maiden on the 7th son tour was good too...I've seen shitloads of gigs

Evolution169: Mikeal, would you jam with me if I started a band and became famous? If so, I think I will start a band.
Mikael: Only if you're famous. I don't wanna surround myself with non-famous people you know...

ChrisEmerson: What are your hobbies outside of music and GTA? Do you play any sports?
Mikael: Badminton, but it's been a while

solstrale: i am curious, where are you right now?
Mikael: Las Vegas, Nevada

Andelainscion: want band would you really like to tour with, or to have toured with?
Mikael: Tool....

segemus: What do u think of the metal scene in Norway?
Mikael: It's quite good as far as I know

Cryptopsy: Live, do you prefer when the audience listen quietly, scream their ass of, mosh or anything else?
Mikael: Whatever they wanna do as long as they don't throw stuff at us. That pisses me off big time!

walksofar: hit any casinos yet?
Mikael: We live in one...but I'm not a gambler

halfdeadhippo: What brand of strings do you have on your guitar right now? I've found that one's answer to that question can give great insight to the content of one's soul...
Mikael: D'addario strings...

FPS_Chris: do u enjoy movies...if so whens your favorite? mines pulp fiction!
Mikael: King of comedy (De Niro) and maybe Taxidriver or something. PF is fantastic!!

metaldudeeric: Have you seen Metalocalypse yet? If so what do you think of it?
Mikael: What is it??

Red: I noticed when on tour there's no real time to check out the places... do you ever see a little of a place you like and have to go back on your own to check it out more? If so, where?
Mikael: Hasn't happened yet unless we came back around on tour

solstrale: do you miss Swedish food when you go on tour?
Mikael: Yes!!!!

blackmocco: What is it you prefer about Paul Reid Smith guitars...?
Mikael: Just like them very much. They're genuine guitars and don't bullshit around.

ChrisEmerson: I'm a glider pilot... does that sort of thing appeal to you, or do you like to keep your feet firmly on the ground?
Mikael: Nope...I hate flying.

Andelainscion: Do you write while on tour or do you guys wait until the tour dust settles to get creative
Mikael: Yeah, I can't get the privacy I need on tour so I only write at home pretty much

Rahan: Slayer played Reign in Blood album as a part of their show. Metallica is playing Master of Puppets album as part of their show. Would Opeth play a complete album and if yes which one ?
Mikael: We did it with Damnation a few years back

Rockchickbabe: who is your favourite band(s)?
Mikael: Too hard to mention one...

McCartman: Any idea as to when will you be heading to South America? Your website just says "tour will be rescheduled". I know it's not always in your hands, but whenever you come down here we'd love to have you in Caracas, Venezuela.
Mikael: I don't remember the dates right now

Fluxcored: Can you think of a couple places in Sweden that you would reccomend visiting? Mebbe less well known?
Mikael: Mosebacke...great pub/restaurant in the south of the city

Q: when will you finally go, so i can go to sleep? :p
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Red: What's the best way to get your autograph?
Mikael: Walk up and give me $400. Or just ask for one

ThePastyWhiteFellow: Hey Mike, will you and the other guys be doing signings on the tour? See you tommorow in Phoenix!!!
Mikael: We turned down the FYE signing sessions, so no.

tnk32889: What is your favorite Megadeth album?
Mikael: Peace sells + Countdown probably

Andelainscion: Do you get any down time on the G2 tour, or is all go?
Mikael: Loads of down time, too much!

TheHeartCollector: Are there any pre-show rituals you guys have?
Mikael: Shake hands and say kross or lite kross...which means crush tonight or crush a little...

x-rated: You experienced writting a more personnal album with Damnation! Do you prefer that kind of writting or concept albums as you used to create?
Mikael: I like both, depends on what mood I'm in

walksofar: do people ever attack you on the streets and gush like fans?
Mikael: It happens but not that much

blackmocco: How does it feel to be this successful now in the metal world by simply playing the music you love...?
Mikael: Feels good...of course!

Andelainscion: what is the song Ghost Of Perdition about?
Mikael: It's the first step of possession on that record

RaZ: What is it that you don't like about the song "By the pain I see in others"? I think it's great
Mikael: It's disjointed and didn't come out the way I wanted it too

ChrisEmerson: If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Mikael: Scott Walker, Joni or De Niro

melina: what do you like to do in your free time?
Mikael: Nothing...right now me and Mendez play guitar hero on the PS2...I suck!

McCartman: Mike, as a record collector, do you listen to music "audiophile" style? I mean, with high-end equipment and stuff?
Mikael: No...I have a shitty deck but I'm really picky about the needle for the deck

The_Droogie: whos your fave guitar player?
Mikael: Blackmore, Latimer etc...

The_Droogie: how do you found megadeth so far in the gigantour?
Mikael: Great! They're really fukkin' tight!

metaldudeeric: would you ever consider recording a live album?
Mikael: We have but it was only released as a DVD

whey: I don't really have any questions to ask but I just wanted to let you know that you have exceptional song writing/playing skills. By far you are a gifted musician to say the least. I look foward to seeing you in Detroit (you guys need to come closer to where i live damn, plane tickets are expensive).Anyways Laney rocks, they contributed alot to your tone/music. Have fun in Vagas . Play Damnnation.
Mikael: Thanks!

tnk32889: are you a fan of dream theater?
Mikael: Yes, but I used to be a big big fan

Rockchickbabe: are you all having a big party for Daves birthday tomorrow?
Mikael: It's wierd, didn't know that. It's my daughter's birthday tomorrow as well...Cool!

julljull: What do you like the must in Isolation Years ?
Mikael: It's just perfect for me

segemus: Are you making another DVD?
Mikael: Maybe later this year but I don't really know

Andelainscion: who would like to guest on vocals on a Opeth album?
Mikael: No one...

Cryptopsy: What's your favorite Pink Floyd record? Mine is Animals, followed by Pipers at the Gates at Dawn
Mikael: Atom heart, Meddle are probably my faves right now

chrislovesmetal: i think dave would like it if you played master's apprentices tomorrow, for his birthday of course
Mikael: Hehe...I think he'd might like that...

x-rated: Happy Birthday to Melinda then In the "Do you like that band?" category. Do you enjoy Nevermore's music (You toured with them as well) and Jeff Loomis's guitar skills
Mikael: Hell yeah! They're great and friends of mine too. Loomis is one of the best I think.

halfdeadhippo: Were your vocals "treated" in the studio for the song "Demon of the Fall", or was that one take, no effects?
Mikael: No, it's one low scream, one whisper and a singing voice all at the same time

RaZ: I was wondering about the rhythm guitar recording on your albums from 'My arms..' to 'Ghost reveries'. Has it always been 4 tracks of rhythm guitar?
Mikael: Yes, it has

ChrisEmerson: Do you remember what the first band you ever really got into was?
Mikael: Sabbath, and David Bowie

shawnson: What do you think of In Flames?
Mikael: I'm not too much into their music but they're friends of mine

McCartman: Are there any plans of jam sessions with members from different bands during Gigantour 2?
Mikael: Not so far...

FPS_Chris: do you still play anything off of still life?
Mikael: Godhead's lament on this tour....sometimes

Metallicasucksass42: How do you feel when people come upto you and tell you your music is the most perfect and beutiful thing they ever heard?
Mikael: What can I say, it's better than when they say I fucking suck.

solstrale: what is the first thing that you are going to do when you get back home from all your tour?
Mikael: Clean the house

Fluxcored: Lindgren seems like an exceptional right hand man, so much of the Lamentations disc he supports your melodies and such, as opposed to competing for solos. Nevertheless his contribution is clearly essential. Can you say something about working with him? and your history as friends?
Mikael: We've know eachother for a long time and I think I'd be a bit lost without him.

theprophet: hey Mike, i know that you prefer the older analog technique for recording songs as opposed to doing it digitally, did you also record GR in analog and do you think that is something you will continue to do?
Mikael: No, I'm all digital now...I don't care about that stuff so much anymore....it's cliche that it sounds better. I can't really tell. I like the idea of it though.

Rockchickbabe: thanks for taking the time to chat with us, Mikael. Do you enjoy meeting the fans?
Mikael: Of course....thanks!

VRH-502: what is your favorite Megadeth song/album?
Mikael: See previous post....

halfdeadhippo: Are you a fan of doom metal? If so, what are some of your favorite doom bands?
Mikael: Candlemass I guess

Metallicasucksass42: I read in an interview that your really into video games , what do you think of Final Fantasy VII
Mikael: Haven't played it....

ChrisEmerson: What is your favourite meal?
Mikael: Don't know...fish, chicken...RuthChris steaks!

heff130: are there plans to do special "an evening with opeth" shows again anytime soon?
Mikael: Not right now

Andelainscion: where does someone like yourself who tours the world go on holiday, or do you just stay at home?
Mikael: Home all the way

Cryptopsy: Are you still into Death Metal? What DM bands are your favorites at the moment?
Mikael: Yeah...I like the pure DM like Gorguts and morbid angel

heff130: if there was one other band you could add to this years gigantour, who would it be?
Mikael: have a nice day everyone got to get ready for the Show!!!
MixGrafix said:
That would be the ultimate evening. If only the stars aligned, and this were to happen.... the tens of thousands opethains that would be created.
yeah, and Opeth would also blow them off the fucking stage.