Gigantour message from Mike Portnoy

proulxski said:
I'm pretty sure they will be, They already said that they had cameras at the baseball game and will b releasing a GIGANTOUR DVD, since Symphony X played that game, and won, they will be on the DVD somewhere!

Wasn't Symphony X (and every other band) split onto the two teams?
urinalcakemix said:
I was looking forward to seeing John Myung play third base, and just STANDING there.

I just saw Live at Budokan. I don't understand why he is so quiet. He knew these guys since college. There is no way he can be shy around them now. It actually irratates me :yuk: :loco:
soundgarden said:
I just saw Live at Budokan. I don't understand why he is so quiet. He knew these guys since college. There is no way he can be shy around them now. It actually irratates me :yuk: :loco:

John is a very shy person, around cameras. I hear he's really entertaining off camera tho, and the thing about him being so calm onstage, I kind of like that, he does his job very well, and he doesn't have to jump around and prove himself, his playing speaks for itself. John can be spontaneous I've heard tho, I mean he did tackle James LaBrie onstage one time. :headbang:
Myung used to move a lot in the old days of Dream Theater.

He's just settled down, that's all. It takes a lot of energy to do a jumpy about moshy gig for 3-4 hours for 3-4 days of the week.

I'm shy around cameras too, and recorders, I hate the sound of my own voice and how I look so maybe he's the same.
lol just because we say its strange how he does notjing, doesn't mean we want him jumping around... Since when is that a pre-requisite?
I noticed as well he seemed to be a little more lively in the old days... See what drugs do to you? LOL j/k guys and gals... I love myung he is cool, very talented! and you're right he doesn't have anything to prove... But maybe smiling looking up, or doing the metal hand \m/ ever so often would be cool!
I imagine that everyone has said this already, butI didn't read everyone elses' posts. (sorry.I was just SO eager to post!) This is my standpoint.

proulxski said:
lol i just Saw LIVE AT BUDOKAN as well, it pisses me off how he does nothing lol... He doesn't even smile he like looks at his guitar the whole show, and once and awhile swings his hair outta his face lol!

Check out the Live In Tokyo vid from the Images & Words days...he's all over the place on the faster, heavier songs! They have this on DVD now along with 5 Years In A Livetime...I suggest picking it up.