Can't someone from the band chime in on there Gigantour forum?

Talked to MJR about it the other day & he was going to write something up..he's still trying to write stuff for the cd too though, so he's just not got enough hours in the day for it all LOL.
I was going to post about this, but figured since it was outside the Gigantour discussion thread, that'd be uncool in some way. The only other band that hasn't posted is the most recent addition to the tour. Meh, it's Romeo's call I guess.
This is pretty cool I think, it was posted by Dillinger Escape Plan in their forum at

"Hey it's Dillinger


We at the Dillinger compound are really honored to be a part of this tour and would like to thank Megadeth for the opportunity. If any of you will be checking out some of the Gigantour bands for the first time, I think you will be pretty impressed. So here is a fun filled Dillinger fact for today which relates to this tour. Many of the guitar over dubs on our first full length release “Calculating Infinity,” were actually recorded in Mike Romeo’s (Symphony X) Basement. Let me tell you… laying down guitar tracks in front of that guy is pretty nerve racking. Make sure you check Symphony X out on the 2nd stage of Gigantour. They are a truly amazing band.

Pretty cool to see him give credit that that WILL shame the DEP bashers, for sure. And if not...they will just dig their hole even deeper.