Mike Portnoy leaves Dream Theater...

This... does not... compute.

Not so much that he quit from burning out (although he always stated that he needs to be in - no pun intended - constant motion), but rather the other guys being unwilling to take a break or slow down and even wanting to continue without him. What?

It'd be like Metallica without Lars... maybe welcome at some level but thoroughly unimaginable.

This is so surreal, my first thought was: "Someone HAS to have hacked his accounts."
Absolutely out of nowhere. But let's put things into perspective. After playing with some bands that would have been out of the usual 20years of prog playing for him, coupled with less responsibility and possibility more popularity in the current climate. I can't say I'm surprised.
There seemed to be something on his twitter, but it's gone now? The whole statement is kinda dubious the way it's written, often referring to himself in the third person as "MP". I don't know, I remain sceptical for now.
such a sad moment for dream theater fanboys :(

why oh why did you post that! LOL!!!

outstanding band musically live, saw em in 02 for the 6doit tour and at download 07, amazing both times

i remember seeing that inside the Apollo in Manchester, they were maxing 129dB!! jesus, my ears were ringing for days... pompted me to bring earplugs to every night out and gig thereafter!