Mike Portnoy leaves Dream Theater...

Was definitely shocked to read this, but at the same time, wasn't though.
I deeply respect the talent of all the band members, but I really wish they knew when to hang it up and bow out of the game with dignity while at the top of their game, rather than having continued on like they have for the last 10 years putting out some seriously uninspired sounding recordings.
Apart from the odd song here and there, I find it extremely hard to listen to anything the band has released post-SFAM.
Especially that whole AA-Suite thing, it just started to become a complete joke, and an excuse for the band to reuse riffs. To me, that's just fucking lazy and showing they've lost the plot
Now let's see what Portnoy can do in a different environment, rather than being shackled to a band that refuses to move forward and has been stuck in second gear for about 10 years now.
Knowing Mike for many years and jamming together numerous times in many bands I have to say I am in COMPLETE SHOCK!

Everything that lesster says is 100% true. Mike IS Dream Theater. I remember the first time we met at Sundance in Bayshore Long Island (They were Majesty then) he was the nicest guy and the most incredible drummer I had ever seen. FUCK Chris was in the band then and even though he wasnt great they still slayed.

Having the opportunity to talk to Mike over the years bumping into one another at NAMM and various other music related events we never really had a chance to "catch up" as he was always furiously busy.

This is a sad sad day for me as DT was the band that really pushed me to love progresive music, and opened me up to bands like Symphony X, Blind Guardian, Kamelot, Nightwish and a slew of other bands ....

Reading this brought tears to my eyes (literally). I just can not imagine this band going on without him. I am truly saddened that the guys couldn't come to an agreement to just take a break.
AX7 has allowed young Michael to taste the heretofore forbidden fruit of chart success, and he has found its juices sweet... :lol:

Seriously tho, the part about the rest of Dream Theater (allegedly) being unwilling to take a hiatus makes me think they don't feel as confident as MP does in finding steady alternate sources of income. I mean, I can't imagine they've been keeping up the cycle of 3 months recording, 1.5 months off, 6 to 8 months touring, 1.5 months off, 3 months recording, over and over and over for the past 15 years or so because they've got all the money they'll ever need and simply get bored easily away from the studio and stage.
DT Official Press Release:

Press Release
To all of our loyal fans and friends: It is with
profound sadness -- regret -- we announce that Mike
Portnoy, our lifelong drummer and friend, has
decided to leave Dream Theater. Mike's stature in
the band has meant the world to all of us
professionally, musically, and personally over the
years. There is no dispute: Mike has been a major
force within this band.

While it is true that Mike is choosing to pursue other
ventures and challenges, we can assure you
that Dream Theater will continue to move forward
with the same intensity -- and in the same musical
tradition -- that you have all helped make so
successful, and which is truly gratifying to us.
Fans and friends: File this episode under "Black
Clouds and Silver Linings."As planned, we begin
recording our newest album in January 2010, and
we'll follow that with a full-on world tour. "The Spirit
Carries On."

All of us in Dream Theater wholeheartedly wish Mike
the best on his musical journey. We have had a long
and meaningful career together. It is our true hope
that he finds all he is looking for, and that he
achieves the happiness he deserves. He will be

AX7 has allowed young Michael to taste the heretofore forbidden fruit of chart success, and he has found its juices sweet... :lol:

Seriously tho, the part about the rest of Dream Theater (allegedly) being unwilling to take a hiatus makes me think they don't feel as confident as MP does in finding steady alternate sources of income. I mean, I can't imagine they've been keeping up the cycle of 3 months recording, 1.5 months off, 6 to 8 months touring, 1.5 months off, 3 months recording, over and over and over for the past 15 years or so because they've got all the money they'll ever need and simply get bored easily away from the studio and stage.

maybe that's why James Labrie release new album (to help family finance)
What. The. Fuck.

While I was never a huge DT fan at all, I loved (pretty much only) the drumming on their albums. Mike is the pulse of that band. W.T.F.

4. The Shattered Fortress

[Music by Petrucci, Portnoy, Rudess and Myung, Lyrics by Mike Portnoy]

[X. Restraint]

Freedom calls my name
Serenity keeps me sane
Happiness -- it dulls the pain

Honest to see my place
Open to other ways
Willingness to understand

Justice but do not judge
Courtesy for others' flaws
Kindness -- it's not that hard

Self-restraint of tongue and pen
Inventory -- my daily friend
Analysis let down your guard

Look in the mirror
What do you see?
The shattered fortress
That once bound me

Faithful ascent, through darkest fires
I've found the path to take me higher

You're smart enough for me to trust go live your life now
Just keep these steps in your life and you'll know how
If you're not sure, ask yourself,
"Have I done to them as I would have them do to me?"

Look in the mirror
What's that you see?
The shattered fortress
Fly now be free

Faithful ascent, through darkest fires
I've found the path to take me higher

I once thought it better to be right
But now I have finally seen the light
Sometimes you've got to be wrong
And learn from mistakes
I live with serenity now
Not self-righteous hate

[XI. Receive]

(Help me be a channel of Thy peace
That where there is hatred, I may bring love;
That where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness;
That where there is discord, I may bring harmony;
That where there is error, I may bring truth;
That where there is doubt, I may bring faith)

Now that you can see all you have done
(That where there is despair, I may bring hope;
That where there are shadows, I may bring light)

It's time to take that step into the kingdom
(That where there is sadness, I may bring joy)

All your sins will help to make you strong
(That I may seek rather to comfort, than to be comforted.
That I may seek to understand than to be understood)

And help you break right through the prison wall
(That I may seek to love, rather than to be loved,
for it is by self-forgetting that one finds,
it is by forgiving that one is forgiven)

Keep all of me,
The desires that once burned me deep inside
Help me live today
And help to give me grace
To carry out your way

I am ready, help me be all I can be
I am ready, help guide me and keep me free

[XII. Responsible]

I am responsible when anyone, anywhere
Reaches out for help, I want my hand to be there
I am responsible when anyone, anywhere
Reaches out for help, I want my hand to be there
I'm glad he is out. I understand how hard he works and how much he put into DT but I haven't heard him do anything new in the last 10-15 years. I'm a Kevin Moore fanboy though and I enjoy Portnoy's playing on the debut OSI album so maybe Portnoy in a different environment will also be something I like.

Maybe DT will get an awesome replacement and they will write something a bit different, and we end up with 2 cool new sounds.

And I'm extremely glad I don't have to hear him trying to sing anymore
I'm definitely really shocked about this but I'm not sure I'm sad. It's been quite some time since DT came out with something really good, seemed like the band was on a decline. Maybe this change will bring some more interesting stuff from both DT and Portnoy.
Yeah, the care factor for me couldn't be any lower. Even for those who are fans, isn't it generally accepted that they stopped writing decent material for several years?

I can understand him wanting to move on after all this time. Might as well try some new things before throwing in the towel for retirement. Respect to him for that.