Mike Portnoy leaves Dream Theater...

Metal, prog, pop, rap, country, ragtime, whatever... I can enjoy just about anything, depending on my mood. But it has to be done well. It has to be memorable and exciting and a joy to listen to (even mopey music can manage that in its own way). SFAM was one of my all-time favourite albums by anyone ever, but since then every DT release just feels more and more.. I dunno... tedious. They still have brief flashes of greatness and they still execute like sonsofbitches, but somewhere along the way their songwriting process seems to have shifted to "can we put these two parts together?" instead of "should we put these two parts together?". I listen to their best (IMO) songs and I want each riff or melody to never end but when it does I think "YES, that's exactly what needed to happen there, awesome". The songs they write now, I'm just slogging through each part, waiting for it to get to the next one allfuckingready but oh fuck me no now it's even worse. :lol:
Metal, prog, pop, rap, country, ragtime, whatever... I can enjoy just about anything, depending on my mood. But it has to be done well. It has to be memorable and exciting and a joy to listen to (even mopey music can manage that in its own way). SFAM was one of my all-time favourite albums by anyone ever, but since then every DT release just feels more and more.. I dunno... tedious. They still have brief flashes of greatness and they still execute like sonsofbitches, but somewhere along the way their songwriting process seems to have shifted to "can we put these two parts together?" instead of "should we put these two parts together?". I listen to their best (IMO) songs and I want each riff or melody to never end but when it does I think "YES, that's exactly what needed to happen there, awesome". The songs they write now, I'm just slogging through each part, waiting for it to get to the next one allfuckingready but oh fuck me no now it's even worse. :lol:

I have to agree. With DT I don;t care about how true to their first two albums they were. All I care about is, is the album as a whole rememorable? Do the song make me feel good and make me want to listen to it again. There are only three DT albums that don't do that for me, and that is Falling Into Infinity, Systematic Chaos, and Black Clouds and Silver Linings. Every album otehr than that IMO, for the most part is memorable and for me as a hardcore DT fan, is all that matters.

Though with Portnoy leaving it would be cool to hear a more old school , IaW/Awake sound come back into the realm of new DT.
Panic Attack is pretty badass

I LOVE "Never Enough" .. very MUSE-like

The fact that the band totally lacked enough creativity to come up with their own shit and virtually covered a Muse song is what ruins the song for me.
But each to their own
The fact that the band totally lacked enough creativity to come up with their own shit and virtually covered a Muse song is what ruins the song for me.
But each to their own

Talking of Muse, just saw them last saturday, the BEST live sounding gig ive ever been to, and the stage show was awesome!!

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If he's not having fun, and he's already made his bucks, what is the point?

Somehow I don't think the second part is true. In fact, he'll probably make more in Avenged Sevenfold than in Dream Theater, which even in its current state is far from a popular band. That is always the sad case - you can choose between writing meaningful music or selling music, but never both of them at the same time :erk:
The fact that the band totally lacked enough creativity to come up with their own shit and virtually covered a Muse song is what ruins the song for me.
But each to their own

I don't think its that they lacked creativity for those 6 minutes .. I think a couple of the guys were just really diggin on MUSE at that moment and decided to do something similar filtered through the DT engine

c'mon man, who hasn't written a song that was strongly reminiscent of a band they might really be groovin to at the moment? If 1/2 the album was sounding like that I would be inclined to agree with you but one tune and a small part in another song? Thats pretty normal to me
My first thought was that this is a good thing. I love MP and I love old DT, but new DT is complete shit and Portnoy is partly to blame. I really hope they
a) Get a decent replacement drummer, not a show-off
b) Start writing material BEFORE they hit the studio
c) Get an external producer
d) Get Jens Bogren to engineer/mix
e) Write music like on each of their solo CDs.. it baffles me how musical and talented they sound on their solo CDs (LaBrie, Petrucci and especially Rudess), and when they combine it's like it's a competition.
f) Rehire Kevin Moore


as much as I said I was going to ignore you, I just cant help but say ... OK WE FUCKING GET IT ALREADY!

You don't like the new DT. Fine now STFU about it. This thread was not intended to be a Majesty > DT > Portnoytheater thread. It was meant for the discussion of Mike leaving the band. If you feel that Mike leaving the band is a good thing then say so and move on. If you think Mike leaving the band is a bad thing say so and move on. Everyone has their own opinion of what makes a great album. Your opinion is not the only one in existence, and pushing / forcing that opinion on other people is outright WRONG. People don't HAVE to agree with you. You have done nothing in this thread but make smart ass remarks and snide comments toward anyone who doesn't feel like Awake was the last great DT record. You have been getting on my case for 6 months for doing the same thing in other threads on this forum. I saw the light grew the fuck up and stopped.

So to you Mr. Hypocritical I say .....

Get off your fucking high horse dick head, and realize YOU are not the be all end all of musical opinion no matter how much your self inflated egotistical piece of shit head wants to be.

All i can do is LOL.... back to the ignore button you go.

Oh and one last thing. My comment wasnt in reference at all to what you said above. It was about the exchange you had with TheWinterSnow where you clearly got your panties in a bunch cause he enjoyed Octavairum, and you had to lash out like a 2 year old and say:

What diamonds are you talking about? The Linkin Park songs on the CD or the horribly drawn out title song that has about 10 minutes of awesomeness and is the only redeeming part of the album?

then had to follow it up with your own self admitted Douchebaggery

I realize I'm that one douchebag fan who wants the band to write the same albums over and over again, but come on... HUGE departure in sound - they are a horrible parody of what they once were.

Ya we get it, you don't like change. So just GTFO and leave the discussion to the real DT fans.