
Just a Kid at Heart
I don't know how I missed this.

The info was posted on Queensrcyhe's web site on February 3:


Mike Stone has decided he will not be touring with Queensryche this spring. We will miss him. He is a wonderful player and has contributed to our lives musically and spiritually. We wish him the best and hope to see him succeed in everything he chooses to participate in. He adds this statement:

"After much consideration, I will not be joining Queensryche on the 2009 American Soldier Tour. I feel now is the time to focus on other musical endeavors, including my new band Speed X with Nick Catanese of Black Label Society. I would like to thank all of the Queensryche fans around the world for being nothing less than amazing to me during my time with the band. You have treated me like gold, and I will never forget it. It has been an honor to be a part of the Queensryche family, and I wish Geoff, Michael, Scott and Eddie nothing but the very best."
- Mike Stone

'Ryche posted this MySpace status update a few minutes ago:

Thank you for your inquiries however, the band is not currently accepting audition requests. Any updates will be posted when they are released by the band.

I wonder what Chris DeGarmo is up to these days? With their tour fast approaching, they'd better get someone fast!

I don't think DeGarmo will come back. He's reported to be quite happy flying planes for a living. That guy moved on from Queesnryche, and I doubt he looks back now.

I have a feeling Queensryche is going to be a 4-piece this tour, but who knows .. is that possible given the setlist they will be playing? Wilton did all the guitar parts for their new album, and the tour will feature songs from that disc along with tunes from Rage For Order, and Empire.

It seems that a lot of people think the return of DeGarmo would be some kind of magical elixir for the band. Wasn't he around for HitNF, the first (and possibly worst) in an unfortunate line of mediocre releases for the band? And after he left the band, he didn't exactly set the world on fire with......well, anything. So why do we think DeGarmo has any more pizzazz left in him than any of the rest of the band?
This has been a major discussion at www.anybodylistening.net and the consensus is that the band has probably been aware of the situation since recording, which is why Wilton recorded all of the album.

Stone was essentially a hired gun, and was never an official band member at all, so the replacment will probably be the same. It's probably someone unknown, or maybe even one of the guys from GT's solo tour last fall

There's no way they could tour as a 4 piece and pull it off. Their music absolutely requires 2 guitarists. I really doubt DeGarmo would come back based on the reasons abovce, but it would certainly be cool to see.
This has been a major discussion at www.anybodylistening.net and the consensus is that the band has probably been aware of the situation since recording, which is why Wilton recorded all of the album.

Stone was essentially a hired gun, and was never an official band member at all, so the replacment will probably be the same. It's probably someone unknown, or maybe even one of the guys from GT's solo tour last fall

There's no way they could tour as a 4 piece and pull it off. Their music absolutely requires 2 guitarists. I really doubt DeGarmo would come back based on the reasons abovce, but it would certainly be cool to see.

100% correct here, there is no way it would sound right for them to tour as a 4 piece...
It seems that a lot of people think the return of DeGarmo would be some kind of magical elixir for the band. Wasn't he around for HitNF, the first (and possibly worst) in an unfortunate line of mediocre releases for the band? And after he left the band, he didn't exactly set the world on fire with......well, anything. So why do we think DeGarmo has any more pizzazz left in him than any of the rest of the band?

QFT! :kickass:

Maybe they'll do the trendy thing to do lately, and find someone on YouTube.
I would love to see the return of DeGarmo, but we all know the chances are slim to none.

100% agree that there is no way they could tour as a four piece....just wouldn't sound the same and would be extremely lacking.
I think what people hope for if DeGarmo returns is a return to the magic Queensryche had back in the day. True, he was there for Hear In The Now Frontier and Tribe, both extremely weak albums.

But his presence might revitalize 'Ryche or, at least, revitalize their fans one last time.

That's what people hope for. I know I do.

I really hate it that the magic is gone. Maybe DeGarmo can put aside his flying for six months to give 'Ryche fans one last hurrah.

I'm going to ask my bosses if I can have 6 months off ... think they'll go for it? In this economy I think the answer would be yes, unfortunately.


I assumed Chris was self employed, was the owner of his own charter plane company.

If he has a boss, then you're absolutely correct. No one would let him have time off just to please all of us 'Ryche shlubs.

But if he's his own boss, then there's a chance he could make as much money with a limited tour with Queensrcyhe as he'd make with his own gig.

However, everyone is right. Chances are slim to none that he'd be their guitarist choice for their American Solider tour.

They'd be better off finding some shredder with the right 'tude than trying to resurrect the magic by bringing back DeGarmo.
