Funny how much crap people here give QR for selling out, yet don't give Savatage the same amount.
All these people are screaming for DeGarmo, DeGarmo, DeGarmo, and what they haven't stopped to consider is that, Hi! :wave: Maybe DeGarmo doesn't want to come back.
Maybe he, much like other former musical idols, is happier doing what he's doing now, however menial it may seem to us.

Let me assure you that it is NOT menial. No way, no how. And as far as him not wanting to come back....once flying gets in your blood, you are lost.

It's like finding out that the hot chick down the street that you always dreamed of banging just got dumped by her boyfriend, and showing up on her doorstep with a bottle of cheap liquor in one hand and your dick in the other. :err:
It looks desperate and stupid

You are right, howeverr, you never know. You might get lucky.
Funny how much crap people here give QR for selling out, yet don't give Savatage the same amount.

I don't think QR sold out, they just lost it in the songwriting department at some point and haven't quite gotten it back.

Eddie Trunk was playing some tracks from the new album last night. I only got to hear one track (Man Down) and I was rather unimpressed.

Savatage is pretty much the anti-sellout, since Jon Oliva refuses to use the name with his current effort, which more or less is a version of Savatage whether Jon wants to admit it or not.
The band needs a songwriter, not just someone who is a shredder or flashy or whatever you wish to call it.
That is why I still say Aresti, though Drenning would be good too. We all know they can write songs.
I don't mean to slam any underground player for doing so, but I don't get this trend of talented underground guitarists joining long-running bands. No need to name names here, but it has happened a lot over the last ten years. Why leave a band that still has a lot of creativity, just to play night-after-night of greatest hits sets, and then record an album which will have piss poor reviews, regardless if it is good or not?

Sure, I guess it's the whole, "Dream come true to play with BAND X" but if you have something that you personally helped create, isn't there more satisfaction in that?

Just my two cents.
Let me assure you that it is NOT menial. No way, no how. And as far as him not wanting to come back....once flying gets in your blood, you are lost.

I agree whole-heartedly.
That's why I said what I said...and I didn't mean DeGarmo's occupation specifically.
I was using a bit of a blanket reference...John Arch for example...I believe he's building cabinets?
Some people look at it as menial.
I don't personally see it that way, hence my post.
And I can only imagine what it must be like to fly a plane...total freedom, desu ne?
Glenn just beat me to it. Looks like they got someone who would have been better off trying out for Fallout Boy.

I'm a huge QR fan from back when the EP first came out and I have to say I'm really disappointed that the wheels have flown so far off the bus as of late. Rhino posted 1-minute samples of all the American Soldier tracks yesterday, and after listening to them I have to say that this band has now permanently devolved into mid-tempo rock - I heard no hints of metal in those samples AT ALL. It's really sad.
Rhino posted 1-minute samples of all the American Soldier tracks yesterday, and after listening to them I have to say that this band has now permanently devolved into mid-tempo rock - I heard no hints of metal in those samples AT ALL. It's really sad.

To be fair, Jason Slater (American Soldier co-writer) posted on the Breakdown Room forum that Rhino picked bad samples, and that each cuts out before the song/riff kicks in.

I heard Sliver on Eddie Trunk's show and it has a very modern, Sevendust-like riff/vibe to it. Definitely heavy, but Queensryche heavy. Man Down is supposed to be a balls-out rocker of a song as well.
To be fair, Jason Slater (American Soldier co-writer) posted on the Breakdown Room forum that Rhino picked bad samples, and that each cuts out before the song/riff kicks in.

I heard Sliver on Eddie Trunk's show and it has a very modern, Sevendust-like riff/vibe to it. Definitely heavy, but Queensryche heavy. Man Down is supposed to be a balls-out rocker of a song as well.

Well, I'll take your word for it, and I certainly hope that's true that they still have some balls - although hearing that QR has written a song with a "Sevendust vibe" scares me as it means they have truly lost their identity and are continuing to follow trends rather than set them.

My big question is why Rhino would pick the snippets they did... It's obviously a marketing decision and clearly they are not promoting this record as one that contains any balls-out rock. I would think at this point in their career that Tate & Co. have some say in how their music is presented to the public - they aren't clueless up-and-coming teenagers who are forced to leave these decisions to "the powers that be."

Anyway, as a longtime fan, I hope I have heard the worst 12 minutes of the record and that it has some of the old magic to the music, but based on recent history and the recent guitarist announcement I am not optimistic.

Oh and one last thing: Sharon Osbourne (seeing as this is my 666th post, I figured I should add something really evil to it.) :lol:
To be fair, Jason Slater (American Soldier co-writer) posted on the Breakdown Room forum that Rhino picked bad samples, and that each cuts out before the song/riff kicks in.

I heard Sliver on Eddie Trunk's show and it has a very modern, Sevendust-like riff/vibe to it. Definitely heavy, but Queensryche heavy. Man Down is supposed to be a balls-out rocker of a song as well.

I heard Man Down on the show. I didn't like it at all. It had no groove to speak of.
Well, I'll take your word for it, and I certainly hope that's true that they still have some balls - although hearing that QR has written a song with a "Sevendust vibe" scares me as it means they have truly lost their identity and are continuing to follow trends rather than set them.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Anyway, as a longtime fan, I hope I have heard the worst 12 minutes of the record and that it has some of the old magic to the music, but based on recent history and the recent guitarist announcement I am not optimistic.

I doubt it very, very seriously. This band has been swimming in the sewers for a better part of a decade.

We know that Queensryche has a very close relationship with their fans and that's really superb and all...but for the love of Christ can we please have a little less of the e-chants for Chris De*f'in*Garmo to come back??:Puke:

All these people are screaming for DeGarmo, DeGarmo, DeGarmo, and what they haven't stopped to consider is that, Hi! :wave: Maybe DeGarmo doesn't want to come back.
Maybe he, much like other former musical idols, is happier doing what he's doing now, however menial it may seem to us.

I can see it now:
*cue whimsical harp chords and gaussian mist*

DeGarmo won't be the replacement, and everyone will get their collective knickers in a twist and blow up the forums with talk of how Queensryche are a bunch of chip-shouldered fascists for not "letting" DeGarmo come back.:Smug:

It's not like Tate and Co. will see the multitudes of fans chanting for DeGarmo's triumphant return and collectively agree that it shall be so.
I guarantee that Queensryche thought about DeGarmo, even if only for a nanosecond, way before any of the fans did.

Can't they all just have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up for five minutes?
Wait to see what will happen?

+ the number of dollars found in the newly signed stimulus

Tate's said more than once "that door is closed" about DeGarmo.. would it be kewl to see.. yeah.. is going to happen - NO...

LET IT GO!!! as my 4 year old niece would say, nicely patting you on your knee, 'it's ok'...