Mike the New Jesus?

Decadent said:
At drinking? A fistfight? Or in a mudwrestle?

I could afford to loose all three.

Decadent takes a Lickin' and keeps on tickin'.
Buy that man a beer!
No. This place is turning into a convent! (Remember some friars were the first ones who made a beer!) And now we're following this new and true religion, with organ player and all!
Absolute Proof that Mikael is an impostor and a puppet of evil satanists.


Jesus Lives!!!
cthulufhtagn said:
or start our own church....the Church of Åkerfeldt....i call pope!

Hmm, I call Head Pastor... or something or other...

I also appoint all the assholes who would rather piss all over this thread with politics as altar boys!
it's settled, we all get together and buy an old abandoned warehouse and start the Jack Frober Brewing Company, think of the marketing potential...
the lager affinity
ale ethereal
cider of the tyrants
the porter in triumph
bock rose immortal

and of course, taste of melinda
cthulufhtagn said:
it's settled, we all get together and buy an old abandoned warehouse and start the Jack Frober Brewing Company, think of the marketing potential...

Random alcohol/Opeth related names

Hasnt this been done enough? Please... spare us.

spigot said:
The Northern Shadows band name looks as if its written in gothic font. Coincidence?

Northern Shadows is a zine, not a band. No coincidence there.
the lager affinity
ale ethereal
cider of the tyrants
the porter in triumph
bock rose immortal

and of course, taste of melinda[/QUOTE]


Great stuff! hahahaha
Or other drug related ones:

Cokehead's Lament

Sure gives "White Cluster" a completely different meaning too.

Alright I'll stop, haha. :tickled:
NineFeetUnderground said:
If that douchebag is jesus, then pass me my satanic bible and a 12 gauge, i have some catching up to do. :p

That is no douchebag. It is Chad Kroeger from Nickelback and he is better than any loser from Opeth.