mike's fastest solo

i dont get it.

how can mike be such a good songwriter but at the same time..

suck at guitar? :err:
just too lazy to practice? but not lazy enough to suck at writing songs? it seems contradictory

Mike doesn't suck at guitar. He's just no shredder.

And seriously, there are quite few superb guitarists who'd also be superb song writers.
Yngwie, for example, is a great shredder, but even April Ethereal > Yngwie's best stuff .

Writing-wise I mean. His stuff is just a bunch of scales and arpeggios thrown together, like 'Arpeggios from Hell'..
i dont get it.

how can mike be such a good songwriter but at the same time..

suck at guitar? :err:
just too lazy to practice? but not lazy enough to suck at writing songs? it seems contradictory

How does he suck at playing the guitar?
Are you slow in the head?

Playing fast solos demands much practice. There are some people who are more interested in writing good music and playing other kinds of things on guitar.
You know like, songs!
i dont get it.

how can mike be such a good songwriter but at the same time..

suck at guitar? :err:
just too lazy to practice? but not lazy enough to suck at writing songs? it seems contradictory

Please make sense. Thanks.
How does he suck at playing the guitar?
Are you slow in the head?

Playing fast solos demands much practice. There are some people who are more interested in writing good music and playing other kinds of things on guitar.
You know like, songs!
hey fellas, no need to go dipshit loser defensive fanboy on me, i like opeth too you know.

i just dont get the fact that even though music is the whole life for him, with all his collecting and stuff, hes a great songwriter, but doesnt manage to find time or perseverance to practice? I mean no offence, but come on..

whereas other guys who dedicate their life to music seem to be atleast half decent shredders
I guess some narrowminded guy can think that metal has the only proper guitarplayers. I used to think so too when I was like 12. BTW Xarthas, meet your new god:

Orchid has also quite fast-paced solos like Forest Of October.
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hey fellas, no need to go dipshit loser defensive fanboy on me, i like opeth too you know.

i just dont get the fact that even though music is the whole life for him, with all his collecting and stuff, hes a great songwriter, but doesnt manage to find time or perseverance to practice? I mean no offence, but come on..

whereas other guys who dedicate their life to music seem to be atleast half decent shredders

So in your opinion, only fast guitar = good guitar? This is retarded. Look at Dave Gilmour... IMO probably one of the most melodic and fantastic guitarists, yet he rarely plays any faster than a quick blues lick. Guitar solos are not about how many notes you can cram in, they're about expressing the emotions of the song through a solo instrument.

Shout fanboy at me all you want, but any guitarist (I play guitar) can see that Mike is a talented guitarist with a great ear for melodic, bluesy solos. Now Akkesson is here, you'll get more shred as seen on Watershed (although he isn't purely shred)

Also, I expect if Mike wanted to, he could probably play pretty quickly. I can shred if I want to, but I don't play fast all the time because its not my style... if all guitarists just played stupidly fast all the time how boring would that be?
I really dont think that shredding has a bearing on how good you are as a guitar player.
If you brag about being a shredder than thats when you can compare a Bad shredder to a Good shredder.
And opeth/mikael dont/doesnt.
Yes Fred does, but he isnt the one in question.
So lets get back to what the OP was on about.

I think that the tap in TGC is Mikaels fastest.
But I could be wrong.
Its just my suggestion.
i dont get it.

how can mike be such a good songwriter but at the same time..

suck at guitar? :err:
just too lazy to practice? but not lazy enough to suck at writing songs? it seems contradictory

One day when you grow up you will understand :D
It would have been hilarious if John Lennon played solos like petrucci XD
i dont get it.

how can mike be such a good songwriter but at the same time..

suck at guitar? :err:
just too lazy to practice? but not lazy enough to suck at writing songs? it seems contradictory

you symbolize everything that is wrong in metal fans:yuk:

edit: also you're dumber than a shoe lol!
hey fellas, no need to go dipshit loser defensive fanboy on me, i like opeth too you know.

i just dont get the fact that even though music is the whole life for him, with all his collecting and stuff, hes a great songwriter, but doesnt manage to find time or perseverance to practice? I mean no offence, but come on..

whereas other guys who dedicate their life to music seem to be atleast half decent shredders

There is other music than a shredding guitar!!
Your record collection must be very one sided.