Mindwarp Chamber - Supernova

Not to mention their keyboards dude is a regular PPUSA attendee.....
Nice production on this cd, just wish the guitars were a little beefier, but that's my only gripe. I still need to get out to a show of theirs....:rock:
I finally got this a few weeks ago off itunes, and am listening to it in preparation for Midwest Metal Anthem this weekend at JJ Kelley's in Chicago. *

(PLUG! http://www.midwestmetalanthem.com)

This is a damn good CD. Scott has never sounded better. And you know, Portnoy isn't a bad keyboardist! :Saint: It's not quite as heavy as their first, but it's more diverse and quite proggy. My favorite track is Out of Spite. Looking forward to Saturday.

* Yes, I know JJ Kelley's is actually in Lansing. So zip it.

I really dug the first album from these guys. Closing the Chapter was super moist. I will have to get this soon as well.