Mindwarp Chamber

This is a more refined audience, and therefore we call it a Freudian negligée. :lol:

Metal Spice... in a negligée... at Nightmare Fest... with Mindwarp Chamber? Hmmm... I'm really starting to like this speculation thread. I hope Bad Pubicity plays the fest, too! :lol:
This is a more refined audience, and therefore we call it a Freudian negligée. :lol:

This is a more "Metal" audience, and therefore the negligée shall be made of leather and studs! Perhaps we can petition for that to be the dress code for the fest....or at least have a contest.

I hope Bad Pubicity plays the fest, too! :lol:

I hope Freudian Negligee plays NMF too!

Metal Spice... in a negligée... at Nightmare Fest... with Mindwarp Chamber? Hmmm... I'm really starting to like this speculation thread.

This thread is shifting from rampant speculation to outright testiculation.

Ha Ha!
Killin' me.