Haven't heard this song in like 2 years. Better than my original request.

Well more like one but damn has it been a long time since I've thrown Welcome to Hell in my CD player.
Hey Zeph you going to that Toxic Holocaust show at the Kave? I can't remember if its the 13th or 17th...still haven't bought a ticket yet. Should be awesome despite Black Dahliah being there.
That show's on the 15th, a Sunday night. I'm not sure if it's worth it just for Toxic Holocaust.
Shit..Sunday? The last two times I've seen Toxic at Worcester they've been amazing but Orono to Bucksport is a bit of traveling(10 minutes from me luckily). There's always Marduk Nov 20th at the Palladium.
That's the best thing coming round this Fall. But it's the weekend before Thanksgiving, which means I have to spend at least 50 bucks on a car-or-bus trip plus tickets, then go back to school for three days of classes before going to Boston again.

I'm saving up for a trip to Rome and then MDF, so I think I'll be missing this.
That's the best thing coming round this Fall. But it's the weekend before Thanksgiving, which means I have to spend at least 50 bucks on a car-or-bus trip plus tickets, then go back to school for three days of classes before going to Boston again.

I'm saving up for a trip to Italy and then MDF, so I think I'll be missing this.

Italy should be awesome.

Ha, I still have my unused 3 day pass for last MDF...friends bailed out last minute and I couldn't afford to go alone. I heard it was amazing.
I was about to post complaining about the lack of thrash when you put on some Slayer. Well played, sir. But you do play a little too much black metal. Needs more speed and thrash and power, and possibly also more doom.

Also, it'd be cool if you'd experiment more instead of just doing three songs then talking then three songs. Like, play an entire album (or EP) that you're really digging or promote more local bands or something. Just suggesting.

Request (if you have it, otherwise next week): Omen - Be My Wench
I was about to post complaining about the lack of thrash when you put on some Slayer. Well played, sir. But you do play a little too much black metal. Needs more speed and thrash and power, and possibly also more doom.

Also, it'd be cool if you'd experiment more instead of just doing three songs then talking then three songs. Like, play an entire album (or EP) that you're really digging or promote more local bands or something. Just suggesting.

Request (if you have it, otherwise next week): Omen - Be My Wench

Omen is a nice choice

The problem with promoting more local bands is that there aren't many notable metal acts in Maine(the scene is drowning in hardcore)...Necropia is the only group that comes to mind.
Same around here, unfortunately.

Zeph, if the Whiplash was a prompt response to my complaint I salute you. If it was premeditated I take my complaint back.
I met a guy from Arlington, MA(If I remember correctly) at a Gamma Ray show that plays in a speed metal band(with power influences) called Armory. They're worth a look.
I needed a short one to make sure I don't end the show too early.

The Whiplash was premeditated.

I'm heavy on the Black Metal because (1) it's my favorite genre, (2) I've got the most variety of it, (3) it's my show and I play what I want.

And yes, Maine Metal is god awful.
I'm heavy on the Black Metal because (1) it's my favorite genre, (2) I've got the most variety of it, (3) it's my show and I play what I want.
I'm aware of all this, but you did mention you wanted variety and all.

Angel of Disease is my favorite song from that album. Good call.