
Manic Ferocity

Active Member
Nov 5, 2006
Yeah, I'm really big on both. I find myself disliking individuals for stupid reasons (or no reason at all). It's just my personality. It's not as much a generalization of people as much as hating anything and everything people stand for.

This isn't uncommon, obviously but I just feel like I look at the negative side of things way too often and it's ultimately causing me to have suicidal, homicidal, and misanthropic thoughts. Anyone else have a problem like this (and yes I would say I have a borderline dangerous level of hatred sometimes).
Yeah, but I'm in high school, so I'm surrounded by ignorant fuckheads. Not as extreme as you, but i also go crazy from time to time which is a nice release.
Yeah, I'm really big on both. I find myself disliking individuals for stupid reasons (or no reason at all). It's just my personality. It's not as much a generalization of people as much as hating anything and everything people stand for.

This isn't uncommon, obviously but I just feel like I look at the negative side of things way too often and it's ultimately causing me to have suicidal, homicidal, and misanthropic thoughts. Anyone else have a problem like this (and yes I would say I have a borderline dangerous level of hatred sometimes).

Yeah, I can absolutely relate. I've felt like this for the better part of the past eight years, and it hasn't got better at all. It seems to be pretty common among Metal fans, though I get the feeling most want to adhere to a certain stereotype yet really have no idea what it means to really fucking hate. It's not exactly something to be proud of, eh?
I'm a misanthrope. I'm trying to move on to that whole apathy thing that unknown has got going though. Over the past few years I've come to realize just how detrimental a deeply cynical attitude can be to your overall quality of life. It's just sort of pointless, it doesn't really solve anything and all it does is make you angry or unhappy.

One of the things I've started doing is just read less news. I realized that 99.99999% of all events transpiring in the world literally have no effect on me whatsoever and likely never will so I don't really need to know about them. I still follow the big world events, but I don't need to know that some asshole in Massachusetts handed an uzi to an 8-year-old kid at a gun club who then accidently blows his own brains out. Sadly I do know that, because someone was kind enough to link me to that story. But that is the kind of news I just generally don't want to know about anymore. It's not even "news", really. It's a personal tragedy that is shared with millions upon millions of people thanks to the internet. I don't even live in America. That event couldn't be more irrelevant to my life if it had happened in another universe, yet it still angers me when I read about it.

I've tended to feel this way all the time since I was about 9 years old. I think I really do have some serious attitude problems. I don't really get to know people very easily, and I pretty much hate every single extremely extroverted person I've met, since in my experience those sorts of people have been the biggest pricks. I think I hold people to impossible standards. There are a lot of people I can't stand for reasons I can't really put my finger on. I don't think I fit in with the other grad students in my department, and for that reason I resent those people. They're so fucking boring to me. All they ever fucking talk about is some fucking stupid philosophical "puzzle" that nobody will give a shit about in 10 years. I hate that they're so fucking happy with what they're doing. Studying this kind of stuff has flipped my world upside down and it keeps me awake at night. These people act like they're in some fucking industry where they're working on something or getting some kind of fucking job done, like some fucking philosophical assembly line. They're such goddamn boring people. Something else I do all the time is I avoid talking to people because they always have to tell me about some inane shit that I don't care about. So people think I'm standoff-ish and maybe arrogant and they're probably right. My own mother even tells me I have a terrible attitude and that I'm arrogant. And this attitude problem has gotten me nowhere in life; it just makes me feel like shit all the time. Well, there's my jumbled mess of a contribution to this thread. I think I need therapy or something, or I could just go record a misanthropic black metal album, 15 hand-numbered copies, and bask in my seething grimkvlt hatred.
I guess I'm in the apathetic stage. All but the most severe of events won't effect me personally in a drastic way. I will do what I can to change things in my immediate community, but otherwise it's too much of a drop-in-the-ocean feeling.
I used to be like XSAS said. I used to hate people who extroverted for no reason as well. But a while back I pretty much decided it was stupid.
Like most of you, I've been a misanthrope for the last few years. Right now, I don't really know. The last few weeks, some changes have been made and I've been rethinking a lot of things, but I can see how these changes reflect the ones a few years back that made me a misanthrope in the first place, but maybe things will be different now.

One thing I still hate and will probably keep hating for a long time is cars, and people in them. This hatred is unreasonable and hypocritical, but it's there.
I get places by walking or riding a bicycle, and the sight of cars always frustrates me for various reasons. For an example, if I am walking and listening to music, I make sure not to keep the volume too loud for the sake of my hearing. And each time the music is interrupted by the sound of a car driving past me, I want the driver of that car and his/her entire family chopped up in tiny pieces.
I'm a misanthrope in the sense that I think that there a waaaaay too many people on this planet. Modern science and technology has cured diseases and increased peoples' chances of survival, despite the fact we are running out of space, clean water, food and energy resources. And those in power don't give two shits about anyone fatally suffering as a result of the system from which they benefit. It all goes back to human greed, which certain people, casting aside the mask of morality, have used to capitalize at the expense of the world's majority.
Yeah, I can absolutely relate. I've felt like this for the better part of the past eight years, and it hasn't got better at all. It seems to be pretty common among Metal fans, though I get the feeling most want to adhere to a certain stereotype yet really have no idea what it means to really fucking hate. It's not exactly something to be proud of, eh?

It's something I've felt since I was in second grade, a good six years before I was listening to any music at all. Until about Junior year of high school, I was unbearably shy which made me rather anti-social (I'm pretty sure my interest in metal is a by-product of this, I sometimes wonder if I'd even have the same music taste if I were to have started out as a very social and outgoing kid).

Today, I have a pretty solid understanding of what is considered "socially acceptable" and admittedly go along with some those things (ex: not dressing too abstractly; a band shirt and jeans will do, always taking "dick" comments from people as a joke, not expressing my misanthropy and pessimism to everyone, etc.) more so to avoid unnecessary attention and conflict. Even so, I still have an inner hatred for the people I see around me. My roommate is a good example of someone I just don't like but can't point my finger on as to why that is. It could be his extra attempt to do what's considered "socially acceptable" that makes me so angry. It's nothing to hate someone for, I suppose, but I can't help but feel an inner animosity for the guy.

I would never say I'm "proud of it" but I do think my cynical personality could really serve as a beneficial factor in personality-growth. Granted, that is, it doesn't get out of hand and I don't do something stupid (you all know what I'm talking about, I'm sure).
I'm a misanthrope. I do whatever I can to stay away from crowds because ignorant people infuriate me so much I find myself having a shitty time and just want to leave. Movies, malls, bars, sporting events... Sometimes I wish I could just punch them and get it over with but I know I'll be charged or sued so I can't.
Nah, but I do hate people sometimes because I work in retail.

Yeah. Retail made me hate people even more. I'm a bit better now since I don't deal with people on a daily basis, but yeah.

Most people don't find me friendly on first meeting because of how reserved I am. They think I am a gigantic prick. I used to be more extroverted early in college, but then shit happened and I became a bit more cautious about people. College really helps you pick out the flakes from the friends.
My father and I have an exhaustive mental list of people to be executed once we take over the world.

I used to be worse, but currently I have good relationships with my family, a small group of friends and my girlfriend. From my experience the key to a balanced life is to keep a select group of people to genuinely care about and then not lift a finger for all the rest. For it's tiresome to love or hate too much.

So my advice to all you misanthropes is (1) to be like unknown and stay apathetic to most of the world and (2) dedicate yourself to a small social circle. Don't call me the guru on this, but I can testify from personal experience.
I wouldn't call myself misanthropic. I have misanthropic tendencies at times, but I'm able to catch myself in the act and look at things from another perspective most of the time. I'm definitely cynical though, and I go through periods of pessimism, but again, it's only in brief phases, and I generally become aware of it and act upon it before it becomes a problem. However, I'm in one of those phases now. :erk:
I definately keep to my immediate family and very small group of friends.

I don't like strangers.

I don't like large gatherings of life forms that I am unfamiliar with.

I like doing alot of things alone.

Most if not all of my hobbies are single person activities that I do not need to associate with other people. Fishing, reading, music.

I generally dislike people just because........
I really could say I was misanthropic to a certain extent. I hate my friends and everyone at my school. I hate a lot of people around my age but of course I won't hate someone without a reason to hate them. I have a lot of good friends and a lot of horrible ones that treat me like shit. I'm also a very pessimistic person and sometimes depressed but I have my happy times (alone).

EDIT: Can someone tell me why last.fm keeps randomly lower-casing and misspelling some songs? Example: "Devourment - shroud on encryption"