
I would definitely call myself a misanthropic guy. Staying 22 hours a day at home, and avoiding to meet new people is a sign of misanthropy. Though, i spend time with friends outdoor, but not in crowdy places. I don't go to the movies, to theaters, to football matches, and to parties where there are strangers.
I wouldn't call myself misanthropic. I have misanthropic tendencies at times, but I'm able to catch myself in the act and look at things from another perspective most of the time. I'm definitely cynical though, and I go through periods of pessimism, but again, it's only in brief phases, and I generally become aware of it and act upon it before it becomes a problem. However, I'm in one of those phases now. :erk:

I'm close to this. I tend hate people who I perceive to be stupid (which is obviously wrong) but overall I just prefer to be alone.
Nah, but I do hate people sometimes because I work in retail.

this and to caveat, if you have to handle the customer service side as well makes it 1000x worse. Worked for Radioshack as a teenager :yuk:

Something else I do all the time is I avoid talking to people because they always have to tell me about some inane shit that I don't care about.

Definitely fall near this. People talk about the most pointless, unimportant shit all the time. The average American conversation seems to be similar to a never ending Sublime/Kenny Chesney concert. I have to just keep my mouth shut a lot at parties/bars because I have a tendency to "kill the vibe" with "heavy shit". :rolleyes:
I have to just keep my mouth shut a lot at parties/bars because I have a tendency to "kill the vibe" with "heavy shit". :rolleyes:

I don't mind talking about deep shit if I'm at an intimate gathering, but I tend to avoid that type of conversation while drinking at a bar/big party because I tend to get belligerent and tell people they are idiots and that's not a good thing to do around drunk people.
I've learned that it's best to keep your mouth shut if you have "norm-violating" opinions, most people only go by their biases rather than reason anyway.
I don't mind talking about deep shit if I'm at an intimate gathering, but I tend to avoid that type of conversation while drinking at a bar/big party because I tend to get belligerent and tell people they are idiots and that's not a good thing to do around drunk people.

I have yet to see any serious conversation attempt even with friends get anywhere at a bar. "Dude just relax and have a good time" is the general response. Not even a chance to need to call out an idiot.
I have yet to see any serious conversation attempt even with friends get anywhere at a bar. "Dude just relax and have a good time" is the general response. Not even a chance to need to call out an idiot.

It doesn't work there. People go to bars to get away from that atrocities they see everyday. They go to chill out and have a good time and forget about the work week. The majority of people don't want to talk about the tenets of Kant's philosophy over a fucking Whiskey Sour. They want to talk about the amount of ass on the dance floor, funny stories from their past or play pool
It doesn't work there. People go to bars to get away from that atrocities they see everyday. They go to chill out and have a good time and forget about the work week. The majority of people don't want to talk about the tenets of Kant's philosophy over a fucking Whiskey Sour. They want to talk about the amount of ass on the dance floor, funny stories from their past or play pool

This is true, sort of. Problem is, people in America (in general) don't really see much in the way of "atrocities", and they only always want to talk about ass and "funny stories", which sort of feeds the attitude discussed here.
I am neither misanthropic or pessimistic. I am pretty happy with my life and I generally like most people. In fact, I can't think of one person that I know personally and really dislike. I'm in a university where everyone is about at my education and intelligence level, so that makes things pretty easy. I can be cynical at times, but usually about larger forces like politics rather than myself or other people I know. Even people who have different views than me I can usually get along with in real life, as genocide roach could attest.

I think part of the reason for this is that I am easy going but also that I am a good judge of character, so I easily avoid relationships with unpleasant people.
What am I? I am typically happy and get along with people well.

I do have loner tendencies, and am not very interested in interacting with people, unless I really like them (my wife, son, sister, and a few others). I prefer to go to the movies and concerts alone, and do work alone (my job, yard work, fixing things, etc). I think I don't relate well with grownups. I actually taught Sunday School at church to 3-5 year old kids for a few years, and found talking with them after church more interesting than talking to most adults. But as it goes, I do fine.

There is part of me who loves people, and part of me who hates people. I love a lot of you guys. My hate is usually isolated to other drivers and groups of other humans I (probably incorrectly) categorize in certain ways (stupid materialistic sports watching beer drinking white guys with big trucks and naked lady mud flaps with no clue about anything outside of their own selfish world and what they want, cowboys, fake religious people). But even then, when confronted with a member of one of these perceived groups, I can accept them and get along, and depending on the person, even like them. Sometimes I see someone and just look at them and almost want to cry for them. Not because I feel sorry for them or pity, I just see them as a human who had endured joy and pain.
I'm venting.

I seriously don't just look at someone or have preconceived notions about someone & hate them. You have to do something bad to me to for me to hate you. Of course there are some people that I don't care for right off the bat because of the way they hold themselves, but I sure don't hate any of them.

I've had a lot of negative shit happen to me, so I'm very thankful I'm not a negative person.
Misanthropic indeed; but mainly out of distrust. In my experience people are not to be depended upon.

As far as pessimism goes, I have always seen the "bad side" of everything, basically because if you have to strain or delude yourself to see the good side, then obviously you are trying to force an issue. Pessimism is a determination to be negative; this is not me, but reality is often negative. Life is a constant struggle to fill a void. The truth in life is often miserable as nature and reality are indifferent whilst people are out to take advantage of and deceive one another, though usually not purposefully. Of course since this is generally speaking and fallacious, it really means squat; just how I feel about it.
I consider myself a misanthrope. Yup, teenage misanthrope. I'm sick and tired of these conformist assholes, these heartless fucks who rely on materials for happiness. It's BS, and I'm pissed off about it.

Mostly it's just a "braindead society" thing I have going on, not teen angst. I've been called "Columbine" before haha. Just because I happen to wear black most of the time.

The whole distrust thing isn't as big as my hate for conformity and ignoramus idiots.

Pessimism?? Not so much, but when I see a couple of barbie doll plastic chicks, first I think, "I want to fuck them", then "Fuck them, they'll only succeed by sucking dick." If that's what you mean by pessimism.