
Not so much, but when I see a couple of barbie doll plastic chicks, first I think, "I want to fuck them", then "Fuck them, they'll only succeed by sucking dick." If that's what you mean by pessimism.

I'll agree with that personally. Not many things piss me off than this. Example, I was sitting through a equipment class from Raytheon with a bunch of other Marines, and there was this guy who was supposed to give the class and this (cougar) woman who was supposed to run the projector or something. Well the guy was relativily new so he was moving through it slow, so she just kind of jumps in and starts giving the class. No big deal, except for the cougarish come-hither looks and speech she was giving every Marine who asked a question (especially the officers.Gold digger on top of it).
We get done with the class and all I hear is " Man Id fuck the shit out of her" from the other guys, who didn't even pay attention to the class material. Simple-fucking-mindedness. I just wanted to punch her in the face for being a whore.
I just wanted to punch her in the face for being a whore.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Fuckin A!!

Yeah, people these days have no clue how to use courtesy, how to use logic to solve a problem (Without using electronics), etc.

And it's great I'm realizing all of these things at 15, because I would be just like these guys. Actually, I would have killed myself by 18 hahaha.
Being misanthropic is a mindset, many of you just use it as a badge or as a cover-up for staying inside. You could go to a thousand parities and still be misanthropic. I am not personally misanthropic, but I hate a lot of people and I distrust nearly everyone and hate a majority of the world and a lot of the kids I know. I will be nice and discuss things with people, but I honestly do not care for their wellbeing.
Being misanthropic is a mindset, many of you just use it as a badge or as a cover-up for staying inside. You could go to a thousand parities and still be misanthropic.

Honestly, what the fuck are you talking about?
CAIRATH, I know you've been gone for a while so you may not know this, but most of us just laugh and move on when Alter posts.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Fuckin A!!

Yeah, people these days have no clue how to use courtesy, how to use logic to solve a problem (Without using electronics), etc.

And it's great I'm realizing all of these things at 15, because I would be just like these guys. Actually, I would have killed myself by 18 hahaha.

Whats this supposed to mean? That I lack courtesy because I wished I could punch someone in the face? :rolleyes: Hopefully I misunderstood.
Personally, stupidity doesn't bother me so much unless it somehow inconveniences or endangers me. We're all stupid in one way or another (though some in more ways, of course).

I do hate being in crowded places though, just because I'm introverted as fuck and have this irrational anxiety about people noticing me or possibly saying something to me randomly on the street. This is worse at a place like my college where there are a lot of people I know around, and generally more of them than I care to have a conversation with. I can get quite pissy indeed while walking around campus, though I keep it all on the inside.
Misanthropic indeed; but mainly out of distrust. In my experience people are not to be depended upon.

Agree. I've been taken advantage for being too nice to people and have paid for it. Lately I've stopped being that guy who never says no to any favors.
Although I generally agree with the notion that people are ignorant (myself included) I do not believe that humans, on an individual level, are by nature deserving of hatred in its various forms.

As a society or various collectives, humanity sure knows how to fuck things up, but I see this more as a result of hegemony, than as an intrinsic nature in all humanity for destruction. Mostly, I would argue, we engage in these acts of 'self-mutilation' without knowing it (as well as the true implications that result), because the power structures of our world (of which we are born into) are set up to perpetuate this, so as the ones holding power can maintain their status as such.
I have to just keep my mouth shut a lot at parties/bars because I have a tendency to "kill the vibe" with "heavy shit".

Yeah, as unfortunate as it may sound it is a necessity to avoid stuff of that nature in what are supposed to be socially relaxed settings. I am finding this out more and more as I try to maintain a decent social status throughout life.

Being stupid and non-serious, in other words, has its place for good reason.