Miscellaneous TV thread

Bang your Head!
Quiet Riot on Supernatural last night :)

Still no sign of The Others or Monsters on Lost, frustating yet totally entertaining.
was that Def Leppard we heard near the beginning?(supernatural) It sounded like a track from Hysteria maybe, it's been along time since I heard that album...
What happened to that other Sci-Fi-ish show they were harping on about over summer? The one with the aliens in it. You know the one I'm talking about. "Mommy, you smell different." The Invasion, or something along those lines.

It was every second ad-break in summer, and I haven't heard anything about it for ages.
Maybe it was one of those shows that got canned after the first episode. It was just a rehashing of Invasion of the Body Snatchers anyway. And how much like The Birds was that Supernatural show last night? Except it was bugs. Anyone ever seen Swarm?

What Scorpions track was it?