Misery in Me

Originally posted by rahvin

so you're officially inviting me to back-edit all of my previous 1600 posts just to suit your petty needs and correct the tiniest mistake, huh? :mad:
Yes, please, that would give me time enough to catch up with your number of posts, and even exceed it ;)

Siren (didn't know you talked about clean vocals in all your posts)
AFAIK, it was played at Tuska '99. Some more sober people than Dreadfallen witnessed it.

I'm sorry I haven't yet asked Niklas about this, but I'm really running out of time right now (and some old cow hit my car with her own today :mad: ).

hehe i d/l 30% of it....and then came the hustomte and overloaded audiogalaxy with his crap :mad:
anyway to kalo pragma argei na ginei ;)
but on the other hand karavi pou argei skata einai fortomeno :err:

~mel~(on drugs-hopefully not a driver)
Originally posted by Villain
(and some old cow hit my car with her own today :mad: ).

-Villain [/B]

actually I thought it was the other way round, here, the process starts with cars hitting cows, never seen a car running into a car, no matter how black stained the car was! ;) :p

fathervic (keeping animals and cars aside for their own good)
Originally posted by FatherVic

actually I thought it was the other way round, here, the process starts with cars hitting cows, never seen a car running into a car, no matter how black stained the car was! ;) :p

on the other hand this seems to imply cars are morbidly attracted to cows, which, i daresay, sheds some light over most rural accidents and their clumsy explanations: noone likes to admit his/her car just had a crush on farmer fred's good old molly. ;)

I would like to help but i'm only an expert on sirens' seducing techniques towards the wonderful world of sailors :confused:

Siren (;))
Sorry to get back on topic, but I finally was able to d/l Misery in Me from audiogalaxy just a few minutes ago after it was 'offline' for a few days. I'll leave my satellite running for a while...maybe that'll boost the availability a little...
Originally posted by rahvin

on the other hand this seems to imply cars are morbidly attracted to cows, which, i daresay, sheds some light over most rural accidents and their clumsy explanations: noone likes to admit his/her car just had a crush on farmer fred's good old molly. ;)


well here's different, since cars are told from the very begining (when they're trained to steer, open doors and change gears) they are machines and all the love they can express is towards grannies and doggies...so we leave cows for the mutual love of their own foretold farmers ;)

fathervic (not a farmer, not a cow)
@Wanderingblade: It's singing, you silly :p
Besides, how am i supposed to wear a skirt over my tail? :confused: :p
Siren: Thats unneccesary bother on a sailor... hang on, I'm getting my wires crossed. Unneccesary on a soldier, nigh-on impossible as a Sailor as they're all looking at each other :p

And with style and grace. What else would I expect of you?