Missing high end

you might want to crank the amp a little more....guitar speakers tend to sound brighter at higher volumes than they do at lower ones, at least to my ears ;)
hmm, what amp/cab are you using here? moreso than with other mics, i find myself having to crank the high end on the amp a bit when i'm using a 57 to get a good high end clarity
cobrahead1030 said:
hmm, what amp/cab are you using here? moreso than with other mics, i find myself having to crank the high end on the amp a bit when i'm using a 57 to get a good high end clarity

I'm using the cobra into a mesa recto std. (BTW, I post in HCAF under the name nakedzen). Damn, I have to get those good headphones, until then I'll be just
shooting in the dark when regarding the low and high end.
i'm with hammer bart on this one, i think anything over sort of 6k is maybe a little bit of presence around 8k, anything higher is just noise as far as a guitar signal goes