mix hammerfall?

Nervermind - both versions you posted are the best here - i prefer the first one (overwritten by the new revalver one) - it's slightly smoother and sounds a little bit "more pro".

Incidenty all but last night's one include realver i just forgot to post that originally :lol:

But thanks man!
this is pretty interesting how many tracks they use and how etc...

does anybody know how they processed the lead guitar/bass? becuase there are left and right files for each but they appear to be one take yet they have a great stereo feel to it which i always feel my mixes are lacking and i try to overcome sometimes by doing two takes but thats not always a possibility

also what is the LR RL RR LL notation? LR = slightly left of right? eg. R75? RR = right of right eg R100?

also i thought it was interesting how many guitar tracks they used, and how there are separate low and high volume ones. are these all multiple takes? if so thats a lot of tracking and im amazed how in time they all are. i guess if youve been playing guitar that long...
Man, there's virtually no point in mixing this. The tracks have already been processed so much, unless you're going to do something crazy, like a ghetto bass/grind version which CJ's prolly got in the works right now, everyone's is gonna sound real similar.
Man, there's virtually no point in mixing this. The tracks have already been processed so much, unless you're going to do something crazy, like a ghetto bass/grind version which CJ's prolly got in the works right now, everyone's is gonna sound real similar.

haha, naaa, couldn't get past the vocals! o_O
It's better than all this crappy 3 chord, breakdown hxc "we cannae scream worth shit" crap that is going around today.
I might have a go at this just for fun, but pre-processed tracks just aren't that appealing to me. Thrice actually released the tracks for "Image Of The Invisible" last year or so, and they were sort of fun to play with, but the drums were bounced down to one stereo file, and everything was pre-processed so it already sounded exactly like the album.