Reamp request... (33 second, 2 files)


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
Just curious if anyone can reamp the next 2 files..
I know the playing is bad...just trying out something here..
Also curious if these files are a ok for reamping..
Recording clean channel through a cube hahahahaha..I know how bad!!!!!!!
If not workable, leave it then...but let me know :)
First thing I recorded on guitar (playingwise!)...whaha....
Ok, here goes. There's no limiting on this, so it won't be "loud as hell." There's just a little C4 & EQ.

Here's the link

I must comment that you can really tell that the dry tracks weren't run thru a direct box. Comparing these dry tracks to the ones I got from Nebulous a couple of weeks back, the differences are night and day. These ones have almost no top end in comparison, which really effects the tone of the amp. So a little word to the wise, if you're going to do dry tracks, use a real direct box. They're not that expensive & can save your ass.
