Free Reamping Is Back!

Shadow walker I am posting two wav files that I would really like you to reamp if you have time (left and right guitar emg 81 jackson into fireface di). Im still learning about DI so I really would like your feedback on the quality of the wav. I had to turn my guitar volume to about half way to get a signal that resembles other DI's on the forum so please let me know if my signal is strong enough or too strong??

Here is the link here

I'm going for a somewhat nu metal chunk sound if thats possible.
Seems the stronger peaks are distorted a bit. Check your mic preamp level, adjust it so that even with strong attack it doesn't clip.
Shadow sorry for the noobie question but what do u mean it becomes distorted...clipping? How is the file otherwise too low too high? I'm hearing from others on the forum that the file is too low but I see some of the DI's here and they are lower than mine. Thanks for the feedback
^^Yeah, I think it's clipping. Don't worry about the level so much, just make sure it's not clipping. I can adjust the gain later.

^ Thanks, though I tend to have less and less free time so you know where the whole thing's heading. Also I've had a merch site for those who want to support the idea for almost an year now, butso far only one person has ever bought anything from there.
Awesome. Again, thank you for the samples.

Sounds like my G2 sample has a little too much hi end crunch, so let's try G1 L7 M5 H3.

You rock so damn much Shadow.
Unfortunately my time isn't as generous with me. It's for a good reason, though - I'm working on 2 full-lenght projects (my first two) and a single.
Shadow, congrats on your projects, keep it up man.

Unavailable, as I can see that you need those files reamped so urgently, I am willing to help with what I can (absolutely free of charge of course). I have the same amp and reamp box as Shadow, so if you can tell me your settings and send me your DI tracks I'd be willing to give you a hand. I'm pretty sure I can get pretty close to those tones if I use the same impulse. If you like the results, I can reamp pretty much anything you throw at me. If it doesn't work out, you have nothing to lose.

If you are willing to give that a try, drop me an e-mail at xn0u4003 ( a t ) g m a i l (d o t) c o m. You can also send me a short snippet of your DI track so I can send you a sample of the reamped track.

PS: BTW, I boost with SD-1, not with TS, but the result is pretty much the same.