Free Reamping Through My Custom Tube Amp For Everyone!

alright i've submitted some settings, i'm visitor 000201 do i choose between modern and vintage lead? i want vintage, but there's only the "lead" setting.

i'll mail the flac sample to you asap.
That'd be great! :)
Maybe one for upload of reamped files, the password for which only you and me know, so that no one deletes or messes things up. As for the upload of di files I think it would be best to have some http page where you can attach the file you want.

I'm sure putting your band's banner on the 'links' and 'bands' section :)

btw I see someone sent the first mail :)
No need to write the settings in that mail, I have everything submitted through the site. I'll give your files a go and after that I have a little business to take care of.
alright i've submitted some settings, i'm visitor 000201 do i choose between modern and vintage lead? i want vintage, but there's only the "lead" setting.

i'll mail the flac sample to you asap.

Oops :blush:
Forgot about that, I'll add the options in a minute, sorry.
That'd be great! :)
Maybe one for upload of reamped files, the password for which only you and me know, so that no one deletes or messes things up. As for the upload of di files I think it would be best to have some http page where you can attach the file you want.

I'm sure putting your band's banner on the 'links' and 'bands' section :)

btw I see someone sent the first mail :)
No need to write the settings in that mail, I have everything submitted through the site. I'll give your files a go and after that I have a little business to take care of.

righto, leave it with me, it takes a few hours to become active, i'll pm you your private one's details.

And don't worry about the link dude, really no need.
Great, this forum is like one big real a few years we might have a whole country :lol:

Heh 202 came before 201, anyway I reamped both and sent them. I won't be around for a couple of hours now, but you can send your stuff to the mail or you can wait for me and Gavin to set up a dedicated FTP.
Cheers all!
It's set up, just gotta wait for the thing to become "active".

The public details are almost the same as the forum ftp.
Okay well I just submited a file, but the problem is all your clean samples are set with the gain at 9 according to you so: Can I just ask that you be subjective about that I mean usually for clean I like the gain down as low as possible (like 2-3). But I know on some amps there is a sweet spot and it's at that point where the amp really shines.

Basically no dirt please :)

I will post the sample once you do it though because I am sure people would like to hear what a guitar with decent pups sounds like through your amp.
Ok, a bit of confusion going on already.

I must emphasize that THE SETTINGS ARE O'CLOCK. This is because the knobs don't have any numbers on or around them and also that's why there's no 6. This is why the numbers are ordered that way, as well.

I guess I'll have to remake it using 0-10 scale, though that means changing the 4 values for all 90 samples, manually :goggly: Oh well, will do it if it's going to take care for that confusion. So does everybody agree 0-10 is better?
Ok, a bit of confusion going on already.

I must emphasize that THE SETTINGS ARE O'CLOCK. This is because the knobs don't have any numbers on or around them and also that's why there's no 6. This is why the numbers are ordered that way, as well.

I guess I'll have to remake it using 0-10 scale, though that means changing the 4 values for all 90 samples, manually :goggly: Oh well, will do it if it's going to take care for that confusion. So does everybody agree 0-10 is better?

No problem with the o'clock settings whatsoever. If the scale starts from 7 and ends to 5, and we're talking about knobs, I think it's pretty obvious. A note about it above the settings would be cool, though.
Well I did actually, it says
The settings (o'clock) used for each sample can be seen by moving the mouse over the links.
It's just not that obvious, but I thought people would see how it starts from 7 instead of 1 and ends with 5 instead of 12 .

Anyway I guess it would be safest to change it after all. I must admit I don't prefer the oclock settings myself.

Edit: Now I see jhakwe's it isn't that confusing after all. Hm..maybe I should just make " o'clock " bigger, bolder and red :)

BTW, any ideas on where to get a nice dedicated forum for the site?
You already now the answer but to mention it to other people - yes, you can send new settings for a file you've send, just keep the visitor number the same as the one used for the file
you submit your settings and your file with a visitor number 666, every time you submit new settings for this file you should write 666, because for me, the file name is the same as the visitor number you had when you sent it.

Oh, and please send the files with the following name: yourvisitornumber.wav/flac/ape
Someone sent settings without a visitor number about 5 hours ago so..don't wonder why you don't receive your file :)

These are the settings
Chan : M.Ld; Gain : 9; Boost : Yes; L : 8; M : 3; H : 8; Imp : Yes
Well if people do spend money for the site from time to time everything's going to be fine. Otherwise the whole thing will slowly start to decline and ads will start to pop out. So it's not too good to be true, the site's faith is the consumers' hands and if most people start abusing the service and give nothing in return it will just die out like a million good causes did througout history. I'll sure do my best to help the site persist though :)

BTW, I just played my first amp (30w solidstate combo) again and it sure motivated me to dedicate myself to that site :lol: