Free Reamping Through My Custom Tube Amp For Everyone!

That's exactly what I'm thinking about right now. I have some ideas for the t-shirts but don't know if I can realise them properly. I'll still leave the button though as an almost pure donation ( $0.99 for cafepress and $10 for )

Edit: What do you guys think, what price should I put on the Tshirts? The dark one has a base value of about $18 and the value one is about $9 but there seems to be only white ones.
Yeah, and right after our friend Gavin got a new PC my hard disk died :rolleyes: Now I'll have to buy a new one and also I'll have to order a reamp box as the one I'm using now isn't mine aaand I owe some money, heheh. No worries, though, I'll just borrow more money and after I redo the T-shirt design I lost with my harddisk and after I install all the software I need I'll probably be finally launching the site officially. If I'm not being too optimistic, it should be after around 4-5 days. Sorry if I've let down someone needing an urgent reamp :erk:
What's up guys, I'm back. I have a Pc now and spent the whole day sorting out stuff. I added 2 t-shirts to the merch, I hope you'd find them decent.
I have to decide on the way I'll be receiving files and uploading reamped ones. Not that there aren't ways but I'll have to take some details into consideration.

Anyone waiting for reamping? Let me know what to expect. I hope I'll be able to officially launch the site worldwide soon :)
Third post in a row hehe...
I've made some updates to the site and also decided to skip lossless compression so that it's one thing less we have to do. As for sending files I decided to stick with emails, still you can upload your files wherever you want and just send me the direct link. And don't forget to write down the visitor number as topic and preferably as name for your file (e.g. 666.mp3).

Now I want to ask you guys a favour, please start a thread at other audio forums you're posting regarding my site so that more people are aware that it exists and hopefully more people are willing to participate :) Oh, and please give me links to the respective threads so that I can monitor them. Thanks! :kickass:
Visitor 419 submitted his settings but I haven't received any file or link in my mail. Was it someone from here?
I don't see the benefit if you're not micing a cab for me. If I want impulses, I'll record direct and use impulses.
Deadstar, I still haven't received your files
Try uploading them to the free ftp that Gavin kindly provided

Use these settings

More info here:

Is number 437 yours as well? Because I didn't get any files for that one, too.

-J-, sorry it's really not possible for me to make a quality recording using the cab given the conditions I am working in. But since a lot of people find my recordings with impulses to sound pretty nice I thought there will be people who can benefit from my amp and service.
-J-, sorry it's really not possible for me to make a quality recording using the cab given the conditions I am working in. But since a lot of people find my recordings with impulses to sound pretty nice I thought there will be people who can benefit from my amp and service.

fuck that, don't appologise.
fair enough! I didn't think my disappointment with not micing a cab came through my post that much. oops. :cry: hey, whether it works for people or not (and it appears to be), it's one of the more gracious acts on the net I've seen in props! I might as shut up and try it out, huh.
Ok, I have a little work right now and hopefully in about an hour you'll have the reamped files.

Edit: links sent.

Has 437 tried to send me an email with the files? I haven't received any.