Shadow, congrats on your projects, keep it up man.
Unavailable, as I can see that you need those files reamped so urgently, I am willing to help with what I can (absolutely free of charge of course). I have the same amp and reamp box as Shadow, so if you can tell me your settings and send me your DI tracks I'd be willing to give you a hand. I'm pretty sure I can get pretty close to those tones if I use the same impulse. If you like the results, I can reamp pretty much anything you throw at me. If it doesn't work out, you have nothing to lose.
If you are willing to give that a try, drop me an e-mail at xn0u4003 ( a t ) g m a i l (d o t) c o m. You can also send me a short snippet of your DI track so I can send you a sample of the reamped track.
PS: BTW, I boost with SD-1, not with TS, but the result is pretty much the same.