Free Reamping Is Back!

Ok, upload them somewhere, I'll then try to match the sound to mattis' tracks and when you re happy with it I'll reamp the whole thing.
Hey Shadow im gonna try some curve eq stuff with tracks tonight and i will post links tomorow though ok...

I really apreciate this though dude. :rock::kickass::rock:
no impulse

One of the tracks got mixed up in the beginning but these are just test tracks anyway.
Cool man! Expecially the chords sound great!
Is that a 2 tracks clip?

I'm listening through shitty headphones now, I'll say more when I come back from work!

Thank you very much!

i have a question: if i were to take a file without the impule applied, could i send it to a power amp(fx return) into a speaker cab and mic it up safely?

I would say yes... not sure about impedance mismatch but I don't think it's dangerous...
In 'combined' all 4 tracks are used.

i have a question: if i were to take a file without the impule applied, could i send it to a power amp(fx return) into a speaker cab and mic it up safely?

I would guess that the fx return has a high impedance, so you'd need a reamp box to convert the low impedance signal of your interface' outputs. Other than that, I can't see any problem doing that, just be careful how loud a signal you're feeding the power amp.
I've listened to the sample at home...
I like the tone, could you just add a bit of gain? Just a bit more!
Sounds too dry to me...

Ok i took all the dir tracks and put into 1 file and compressed. Its pretty big file i think like 700mb. Inside the compressed folder is each track in its own folder with 4 guitar tracks. These are all at 44.1 and 24 bit.

Just feel free to use any piece of any song you chose. Just do some trials runs and if you want try the same thing you did with mattis. I think one side was scooped a bit and other with more mids? Not sure but suprise me again anyway. :rock:

Oh yea my dir files are on the sneap ftp under Broken81 folder.....
Shadow sounds pretty sweet dude. The track named reampquad is the one i like more. If you want to go ahead and reamp those tracks using those settings I think im fine with that unless maybe you want to try and tweek more but im kinda a nebiew with guitar tone and just don't have the ear for what you need to change if anything.
Sweet well im downloading the Darryl tracks and im not sure if the Ed tracks are just uploading still but link is not working.
Yeah, I had to turn off the PC yesterday. I'm uploading the Ed tracks now, but it will take some time. I'll post when it's ready.
Hey i got a problem.....

The original dir tracks i did they all start from the same point. This was so i could take the reamp tracks and slide them right to starting point and everything would line up. You put all the songs as 1 solid track though and neither tracks match up.

I tried to cut the 2 guitar tracks from Darryl and match up but I'm not having any luck this way. Is it to much of a problem to reamp each track and make them all separate songs and all start from the same point so i can just through into protools and they all line up?

If your pressed for time or just sick of me yet man i understand. Sorry about this hassle though dude. But if it means anything they do sound good! :kickass:
Sorry, I don't really have the time right now. You should be able to line them up, try enlarging the tracks and matching some of the stuff visually, especially where there are breakdowns or in the beginnings after pauses.

The other track should be up in about 15 minutes, btw.