mixed feelings about tours

  • Thread starter Thread starter DamYank
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I would love to see Saxon do a major headliner tour of the usa. But after seeing them on this past tour, I think that might take some of the fun out of it.
I've been to lots of big shows, and don't get me wrong I enjoyed them, but the Saxon show wasn't that big and I enjoyed it so much more. As most of you that read mine and other concert revews know, we got to meet the band on a more personal level.
I waited years for a chance to see them, but being able to walk up to the members, buy them a drink, and chat with them, that made it more memorible than I could have dreamed. There was no security people keeping us back, no press people getting in the way. For any of you that didn't meet them, you missed out, they are really nice guys, drinking and talking with them was just like talking to old friends.
I would love to see Saxon do a big head lineing tour as much as any one eles. When I think about the way that kind of tour puts the band so out of touch with the fans. I think that would keep so many from having the same exsperiance that I, and so many others had.
I know how alot of fans think of their favorite bands as gods, or some superhuman being. I know I thought that way of Saxon, until Paul Quinn said to me "we're just people too", then I realised they are here to have fun and enjoy the show as much as the fans are.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is: lets promote them and get everyone coming to the shows, but not so big that they lose that personal touch with the fans.


I have to agree with you to some extent about having the band play in small intimate settings and how we are able to get up front and personal with the members, but 150-300 fans per show surely cannot pay the bills of the band members, crew, lodging and food. I don't know how they can afford to do it. It's a shame that they cannot get a larger tour together, say maybe 1000-2000 seat venues so they can at least try to break even coming over here to the states, which I doubt that they will ever break even doing the shows that they did here. Too bad, they are an excellant live band, but without the fan support they won't be able to do it much more.

In the UK I have seen Saxon at, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle and London. Most of the gigs were several thousand. But they stayed behind and met the fans. This is how I met them. Great Guys. Saw them at Donnington, 50,000 people. Great gig, they set the place alight. Meet them NO. However, if only a couple of hundred, no, they have also got to pay the bills even tho' this would give them more time with the fewer fans.


I would love to see them in a club. I was not able to get to the LAMOURS show on the METALHEAD tour. I had family obligations. Meeting them would be fantastic, I have talked to many fans who have and all they ever say is how nice they are.

Hopefully for the next tour they will have a NY/NJ area show and I will be able to attend.