mixing challenge

unsilpauly said:
sounds good matt. best yet that ive heard. im gonna work on it today myself. some of the mixes of this on gearslutz are pretty funny sounding. you can tell real easily who has no clue about metal on there.

i'm working on my mix right now.. i'm on dial-up so needless to say it's very difficult to get these files; about one or two a day is all I can manage to get!
I have enough to do a rough mix though (minus toms, lol) getting the overheads as we speak...

expect something from me in the coming days...

CJWall said:
i'm working on my mix right now.. i'm on dial-up so needless to say it's very difficult to get these files; about one or two a day is all I can manage to get!
I have enough to do a rough mix though (minus toms, lol) getting the overheads as we speak...

expect something from me in the coming days...

even with dsl it was super slow and everything is only like one gig:hypno: . it took me several hours yesterday. im gonna mix for a bit this afternoon. hopefully ill put something up later or tomorrow. have fun with it, i know i will:kickass:
I dig the song! I'm looking forward to hear it with vocs!

Is the ENGL and JCM track reamped of the 5150? So they're all thee same track??
Don't know if this has come up anywhere else (my computer has issues with Gearslutz) what's up with the guitar tracks? Maybe it's just my ears, but the Engl tracks almost sound like they have phase problems individually, let alone when they're played together :ill: And there's a couple of bits where they really obviously go out (punch-ins?).

Sorry, I'm not trying to be a bitch, I'm just slightly out of my depth and trying to work out if I'm actually hearing this or if it's just panic setting in :p

Anyways, I've got my mix in the works - only done it through headphones so far though. I'm guessing mine, as usual, will be completely different from everyone elses, as I pile on enough bass to make every whale in the Atlantic orgasm when I crank it... :kickass:

There's definatly phase problems and a couple weird punch ins.

The thing that bother me is the tuning. If I've learned anything from this it to tune a lot. :erk:
I got some questions regarding the guitar tracks!

Tube Screamer used? (I guess coz the clean track is overdriven)
Each guitar is only tracked once and then reamped?
What did you use for reamoping?
