Mixing Drums

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
I did a search and didnt find anything so i decided to make a post. How do you guys usually EQ and compress your drums? Do you compress a bus for toms of do you compress each individual tom? What kind of settings do you use on kick and snare? On snare i usually use some medium compression with a attack at about 50 and release at 200, but thats just what sounded good to me at the time. I think i over compress the kick also but im not sure.

I might as well get out some other questions so i dont make more threads lol

How do you guys eq and compress vocals? I was practicing mixing one of the mixes in the thread that was on here, the epic melodeath one. I though i did an OK job but when i compared it to other peoples mixes my vocals were really muffles? I used a hp at 200hz and really boosted the highs cause it sounds clearer solo'd. How low should the threshold be on De-esser? Also how much reverb? I feel like sometimes i drown it.

2 More questions

How do you sidechain in reaper? I know Gareth made that thread about it but i couldnt follow it for the life of me (prob my fault, not his lol) I really like that stop, go, veil of maya effect.

And, How do you parallel compress drums in reaper? Ive checked out some tutorials but could really follow them (this is probably the dumbest question to ask, EVER!)

Also remember, im using superior 2.0, i tried finding a good sounding preset so i could analyze what made it good (as far as eq etc) but with all the superior users, noone really gives out there presets. (im not like," Prezet OMZG plox!)

If you made it to the end of this post i applaud you :kickass:
I may as well say it, cos someone else will..

"How do mix drums"

Good luck dude. There's some seriously good stuff in tutorials etc here. Just be a sponge and take as much shit in as possible. A lot of what you're asking about compression is going to vary from project to project. Just trust your ears, if it sounds over compressed, it is. :)

Vocals are a big struggle for me also. I very rarely get a vocal sound I'm happy with, but I'm slowly getting there. I think...
lol i was waiting for that, and yeah, this forum is the greatest thing to happen since canned bread and im really grateful for all the sneapsters who put in time to deal with idiots like me lol
How do you guys eq and compress vocals? I was practicing mixing one of the mixes in the thread that was on here, the epic melodeath one. I though i did an OK job but when i compared it to other peoples mixes my vocals were really muffles? I used a hp at 200hz and really boosted the highs cause it sounds clearer solo'd. How low should the threshold be on De-esser? Also how much reverb? I feel like sometimes i drown it.

Was it my song? LOL! The vocals were not really well recording in fact. They were recording with a 3035, but in my non-treated room so there is a lot of the room in the track. When vocals are well recorded, I use basically no eq, except the hipass, and a small bump around 2k-3k. The threshould should be adjusted judging by your ears :p When you hear ''S', hear if it sounds alright or not, while listening to the whole mix.

As for drums, I'll let someone better than me explain it, but it's so different from a project to another...
Here are basic tips. Don't give me any jank about preset garbage and not all drums are the same or whatnot:

Compression for most individual drums:
-15 Threshold
4:1 Ratio
15ms Attack
80ms Release (for metal IMHO)
Make up gain is up to you


Kick- Boost 60, Cut 120, Cut 480, Boost 3khz, Boost 6khz
Snare- HP@140 Boost 200, Cut 400, Boost 5k, Boost 8k
Toms- HP@80 Boost 110, Cut 440, Boost 3k, Boost 6k (low shelving/low roll of helps a lot-frequencies decrease with drum size)
Overheads- HP@500, Cut 800, Boost 8-10k (shelf)
Room- HP@120, Cut 500, LP@8k

Subtractive eq before compression, additive after.

Use reverb on toms/snare with nice pre-delay.

Send Kick/Snare/Toms/Cymbals/Rooms to different busses. Limit and clip there if needed.

Cut out silence between tom hits and fade nicely.

The most important thing is to close your eyes and raise and lower compression attack and release. You'll know where you like it best with your ears. I just like those settings the most.
Was it my song? LOL! The vocals were not really well recording in fact. They were recording with a 3035, but in my non-treated room so there is a lot of the room in the track. When vocals are well recorded, I use basically no eq, except the hipass, and a small bump around 2k-3k. The threshould should be adjusted judging by your ears :p When you hear ''S', hear if it sounds alright or not, while listening to the whole mix.

As for drums, I'll let someone better than me explain it, but it's so different from a project to another...

Haha it was your song! And its not your fault, its me :p lol. I was listening to everyone elses mixes and couldnt figure out why my mix the vocals were inaudible but on other mixes they were fine. Maybe to much reverb idk. Thanks for the tips, lol im not lookin for presets or anything, i just needed a place to start. I like to see what other people do then turn of each band to see WHY they did what they did. Thanks for the advice
Here are basic tips. Don't give me any jank about preset garbage and not all drums are the same or whatnot:

Compression for most individual drums:
-15 Threshold
4:1 Ratio
15ms Attack
80ms Release (for metal IMHO)
Make up gain is up to you


Kick- Boost 60, Cut 120, Cut 480, Boost 3khz, Boost 6khz
Snare- HP@140 Boost 200, Cut 400, Boost 5k, Boost 8k
Toms- HP@80 Boost 110, Cut 440, Boost 3k, Boost 6k (low shelving/low roll of helps a lot-frequencies decrease with drum size)
Overheads- HP@500, Cut 800, Boost 8-10k (shelf)
Room- HP@120, Cut 500, LP@8k

Subtractive eq before compression, additive after.

Use reverb on toms/snare with nice pre-delay.

Send Kick/Snare/Toms/Cymbals/Rooms to different busses. Limit and clip there if needed.

Cut out silence between tom hits and fade nicely.

The most important thing is to close your eyes and raise and lower compression attack and release. You'll know where you like it best with your ears. I just like those settings the most.

And YOU lolzgreg, you need to start getting paid for helping people on this forum lol! Thanks for the general eq's/comp, like i said, i will pro punch these in then analyze why you did each thing. Its been a good way of learning for me. Thanks lolzgreg!
eq: subtraction is your friend

addition eq is ok for higher frequencies (in my opinion)

reach for harmonic-type plugins (like waves max bass) for controlling bass instead of reaching for an EQ, unless your original tones are whack, then you'll need surgical eq
If you're using the Avatar library then you have some fantastic snares, toms and rooms right off the bat. Fight the urge to over-process. That's your biggest enemy.

Ok here is your golden plug-in:

Waves SSL E-channel

The in-line EQ and compressor on this thing works great on drums. Start minimalistic, don't go overboard, just tweak the EQ, do some mid cuts, and some high and low boosts to give fidelity to the drums.

-Kick and snare work great if you turn the shelf into a bell boost. You get more definition and cut from the boosts. 300 to 500hz can be your problem areas if things are a little too muddy.
-Suck 600 to 800 and 200 to 300hz on the toms, crank the highs with a shelf, and bell boost the lows at like 70hz. Fast attack on the compressor, ratio maybe 3 or 4. Take off around 3 to 6dB, to taste. Instant fatness.
-Hit the overheads with fast attack compression, 4:1 ratio, but VERY LIGHTLY. I'm talking barely any movement at all. Just something to add a bit of excitement.
-With all of these settings, always have the compressor release at its fastest (100ms).
-Slam the living shit out of the room. Like 10 to 20dB, all buttons in on an 1176 style plug-in if you have one. This will effectively turn the room mics into reverb ambiance. Just a wash of awesomeness to fill out the back and add air. Use the mid and far field room mics too. Throw the snare into them - no need for anything else.
-Consider cutting the cymbals and hats from the room mics a fair bit. Also consider cutting the hats from OHs if you need. EQ to taste. Then slowly bring it up into the back of your drum mix. It will unify everything and virtually negate the need for a reverb.
-Kicks sometimes like a 50 or 60hz sinewave side-chain gated to them. Just enough to fill out the subs. If I'm not mistaken, Randy is still fond of this. It's a similar thing to using Joey's harmonic enhancement suggestion.

SD2.0 is almost there for you. All you're doing is tailoring work. Getting it that little bit more punchy and clear.
i love you guys on this forum (sniffle sniffle) lol, seriously, you guys kick ass :worship: Thanks so much for the tips, im gonna go make a mix with some of these tips. I might post it in rate my mix/tones. Again, THANKS! And holy shit joeymusicguy, i am probably completely retarded for not realizing this before, but your joey sturgis! Also Ermz, those dudes from Untruth are sending me a CD, i will prob buy some merch too. Thank you for making an epic mix for an epic band lol
eq: subtraction is your friend

addition eq is ok for higher frequencies (in my opinion)

reach for harmonic-type plugins for controlling bass instead of reaching for an EQ, unless your original tones are whack, then you'll need surgical eq

Big +1 on the first two lines, but what do you mean harmonic-type plugins dude?