Mixing Heavy Rhythm guitars... Low End?

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Hey all,

I'm just curious: How do you guys deal with the low end on Heavy Rhythm guitars when mixing? In particular, close miked ones? I've noticed, when stacking tracks upon each other, the low end muck can get quite overwhelming.

Rolloff? Shelf? Bell? Where and by how much?

To put it another way: I'm working on a project I tracked a few months ago. Since then, I've added some extra bass traps to my control room (Based on the same principle as Ethan Weiner's RealTraps). Now I'm hearing a rather ugly muddiness to an otherwise beautiful guitar tone. Any suggestions (other than re-cutting, that's just not possible) would be much appreciated.

Andy's C4 compressor setting. Clears low-end guitar mud right up.

Thanks for the suggestions, guys! It didn't even dawn on me to try strapping a multiband across the guitars. DOH! Yep, sure enough, it cleared things right up.... and that's exactly what I've been looking for. :Smokin:

Actually, doing a little A/B comparison, I found the best results were with a multiband coupled with an 80hz rolloff as well.

This issue has annoyed me for quite a while. My only regret was not asking here soon enough. Thanks again, I'm truly greatful!!!
