Mixing Practice 2 (fast heavy hc)

love it dude! digging the space left to make the drums pop! What did you use on the bass, and guitars?

thanks so much!

glad you dig it man, thanks for the upload!
Didn't come around reamping unfo, so this is just Amplitube3 (british lead2 modell) with external impulses on guitars.
For Bass there was no DI in the pack, so used the one that was in (named bass-miced or something). Eq and compression, thats all I think
Wow thanks for the kind words man! Appreciate it!

Drums were a mixture of Slate/LSD, probably about 3/4 samples per drum and then blended to taste.
-Kick was about 60/40 sample/actual drum sound, going into CLA-3A compressor.
-Snare is 100% sample, this because there is still a lot of snare bleed in the overheads. Goes into CLA-76 compressor.
-Toms were probably 70/30, going into CLA-3A.

EQ wise i do a lot of cuts here and there, and a little high shelf boost at around 10 khz wit a wide Q so that it doesn't sound too dark.

-Overheads are going into CLA-2A, EQ wise i think i did a low-pass at around 350 hz, made a dip around 2 khz and a little notch at around 8 khz with a wide Q.

As for the guitars ; they are all Lecto going into Greg's Impulse boosted with an TS from PodFarm, except for the middle guitar track which is Lextac. But i kept that one pretty low in the mix so the guitars sound better seperation-wise. EQ wise i did some surgical cuts here and there, not pretty sure what exactly

Hope that this helps! If you guys like i could probably doing a movie of me breaking the mix down and showing you guys what samples i blended and so on.

great mix dude!! if you get time to do a little movie, that would be ace! i'm always up for seeing movies showing peoples workflow and mix techniques.

this track is kickass....reminds me a lot of terror and buried alive. awesome
great mix dude!! if you get time to do a little movie, that would be ace! i'm always up for seeing movies showing peoples workflow and mix techniques.

this track is kickass....reminds me a lot of terror and buried alive. awesome

thanks man! this album was pure "buried alive" worship! stoked you noticed
MisSigsFan - little trivia for ya. the singer of ms is a buddy of mine, he had asked to join HOLLOW GROUND for 2nd guitar when we were around. We weren't touring much, so I declined. Fast forward to a bit later, he joined MS and made a joke how "I can't join HG now" hahah.
MisSigsFan - little trivia for ya. the singer of ms is a buddy of mine, he had asked to join HOLLOW GROUND for 2nd guitar when we were around. We weren't touring much, so I declined. Fast forward to a bit later, he joined MS and made a joke how "I can't join HG now" hahah.

HAHA that's sick. Jelly. I met him back in 09 when they came to Cali for the Heads Will Roll tour with Protest. Chill dude.

I couldn't imagine him being in a hardcore band like this though. He's such a Meshuggah nerd.

EDIT: If I post the mix on his wall will he recognize it?
grind_vince: I wish I could remember the details, it was in Sept. 2004 though. ISA 828 was used for pres for 1/2 the drums, Digi002 factory was used for the guitar leads... I'm embarrassed haha, I wish I could remember more.
few shots from the session:


(me in the killswitch engage shirt, and our drummer messing around)


our bass player and engineer (John Paul Peters) - he recorded Comeback Kid, Figure Four to name a few)

our singer tracking


me doing some sloppy guitar tracks haha


one of our live shows in 2005. the gtr player in the background plays in Stick To Your Guns these days