Mixing some hardcore (Axefx ultra, MF, Nolly's guitar preset)


Serial Riffer
Dec 28, 2008
Wattrelos, France
Alright guys, I just quickly recorded this one as a test for my band. The playing sucks ass but I'm still glad with the sound I managed to get. I used Nolly's ULTRA BROOTZ or whatever it's named for the guitars, with a few tweaks (changed the cabs, the EQ and messed around a bit with the tube screamer).
I hope you'll like it, as always any advice or comment is more than welcome!


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Too dark where it needs to be bright and too bright where it needs to be dark lol also I would try cutting a little around 500-800 because it sounds pretty cardboardy. I think if you let some air into those guitars and cut carefully around said region, they would sit much nicer in yo mix.
sounds much better dude! the only other thing I'm noticing is that there's a bit too much of a difference in the guitar tone from left to right. are you using different amps for the left and right channel? [edit] or different ampsims rather, since you're using an axefx
Well no, I'm using the exact same preset, played through the same guitar by the same player (me) ahah, so that's kinda weird :/ I'll check if I hadn't used different EQs or compression on the guitar tracks. Anyway, thanks a lot, glad you found it better :D
Still kind of hollow sounding guitars. This is probably just your preference lol But taming the upper mids would make it much more enjoyable to listen to. IMHO. That or the guitars are a little too loud.
Is this Axe-Fx? To me those guitars sound very digital. I never got my Axe-Fx sounding this digital. :(