Mixing some hardcore (Axefx ultra, MF, Nolly's guitar preset)

Really? Didn't get that feeling. Try out the preset I used (I only tweaked the tubescreamer, EQ and changed the cabs for some redwirez) http://www.metalguitarist.org/forum/music-recording-studio/25476-brutal-guitar-tone-mixtest-daemoness-7-bkp-rebel-yell-axe-fx-s2-0-a.html and tell me if you get the same feeling :)
Don't really know what to say, I'll work on that, thanks for the feedback anyway :)

I don't own an Axe Fx, so I can't test out the preset. Also, you're using more of a (I HATE to use the word, but I don't know what else to say to describe it) "djent"y type sound for a "hardcore" song. The type of tone found in music like Periphery, Tesseract, Vildhjarta, etc. have a very chimy glassy feel to it. They compress the hell out of the gutiars and boost the high mids a lot. It's almost as if they try to make it sound like a POD, but with tube characteristics. That's why it sounds digital.... because you're using a preset made to sound that way of sorts. That being said, perhaps the tone just doesn't work for your mix. Either that, or it's just the way it's mixed that makes it sound hollow, flat and sterile. If you have an axe fx, experiment and don't rely too much on presets. I think you can get a much better sound out of it. You're off to a good start, just play around with it more.

EDIT: You may also want to try experimenting with other types of cab IR's and not just using the stock IR's; from what I've heard from other Axe FX / ultra owners, the stock IR's aren't that great.
It's better but still need to lose upper mids lol try losing some right around 500 and give the low mids a tiny bit more. Overall the guitars are completely lacking crunch. There is next to no dynamics at all. Don't be afraid to scoop a little. I know as a guitar player this seems like heresy but the guitars need some serious depth. Don't be scurred to get aggressive in the midrange sir!