MIXING TIME, SONG2: DI and Midi inside.

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
So now that I've heard so many versions of my other song I posted earlier, here is another song. I've posted a Youtube clip of it couple of weeks back so some of you might have heard the song.

This time around though I would like you NOT to change the drums or anything that changes the song completly. And if you want to use the mix somewhere please send a PM to me.

And for the sport it would be nice that you do your own drums and not borrow someone elses backing track. In the last song many of you used Ermz backing track, every mix sounded the same(Note to Ermz, backing track was awesome btw) with it.

I'm posting my video if you want to hear my mix of the song. The DI are recorded with video so as with the other song there might be a bit off at some places(and some mistakes aswell).

Here is the download link with the files:

Info: 99BPM 6/8

And here is the video of the song:

EDIT: heard now that there is a cut left from the video I did. I cut the guitars(around 0:58 in the video) to make a pitch down sound in the break. Unfortunatly I forgot to restore that cut and it ended up in the bounced files. Just put a fast fade on that part :D
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What pickups and string gauge are you using? What DI box? How thick is the pick you are using? How hard are you hitting, hard as hell or are you more of a "sträng smekare"?

I would be thankful if you answered all my questions because with your DI's it's rediculously easy to make a huge tone ;)
Ola the DI tracks are fine, all are the same length at 24/44.1

The MIDI tracks have some interesting mapping (120 bpm then 99 bpm shortly afterwards in both files) but removing the tempo map and setting everything to 99 worked for me.

I'll post up my mix tomorrow!
What pickups and string gauge are you using? What DI box? How thick is the pick you are using? How hard are you hitting, hard as hell or are you more of a "sträng smekare"?

I would be thankful if you answered all my questions because with your DI's it's rediculously easy to make a huge tone ;)

Ibanez stock V8 on the rhythms. String gauge 60-12(which is kind of thin in this Bb tuning, but I've got a couple of those sets left before buying thicker).
No DI box, just the instrument input on Apogee One. I use dunlop sharp 1.5 picks. I'm hitting pretty hard but not metal-only-down-strokes-hard. But I'm definetly NOT a strängsmekare :D