
No I haven't yet..but in 1 week I have one for 61 €
I don't like these cheap stuff for 12 € or less..
I always wanted to have a "real" Mjollnir not a cheap imitation but its not easy to find a good Mjollnir.
At the moment I'm wearing a necklace with my avatar at it...
I have several. The one I wear every day is priceless, because Johan gave it to me. It's hammered silver. Then I have one that's goldplated. I think I paid about $16 (Canadian) for it from Mystic Caravan. They're on-line, are a good reliable company, but the quality of the pendant sucks because the plating wore off really quickly. I have two really very nice pewter ones that I bought for 2 US$ each, and then I have two that are also pewter but not as nice a quality as the other ones that cost 4 CAD each. All of them are different styles according to different moods and different events, except for the one Johan gave me which I will only take off when I am dead. I would not pay much past $30 US for a silver hammer if I were you, 'cause they are available in all sorts of really nice styles but in a wide pricerange for one and the same style. Hope that helps some.
Sorry - no digital camera... It's a nice silver one that is the kind that's just a plain hammer shape with pits in the silver down the centre and along the outline of the head. I am generally a very plain person, so it suits me a lot. Even if it didn't suit me, I'd wear it because Johan gave me it, so it has sentimental value as well as religious. I am very far away in physical distance from my baby brother, so wearing that hammer makes me feel like a have a piece of him and his (as well as Thor's) protection with me at all times. (Yeah, yeah, mushy, I know. Sorry.)
I have a Mjölnir around my neck. It's an iron copy of one that was found somwhere near Rømersdal, Bornholm, Denmark, with a simple leather strap around it. Since I'm a Skåning and have farm on Bornholm I thought it was a good choice. It cant have costed much, not ore than €10 i think.
You people with the Mjölnirs and other pendants, do you always wear it on the outside of your shirt or doesn't it matter. Personally I both like to show mine but I also like having it close to my skin, so usually it hangs on the inside.

I also have to ask you if you know anything about a certain 'Vargkors' or 'Odin's Wolf cross' - an upside down cross with a wolf's head at the top. Some sites say it is a fusion of a Mjölnir and a cross and some say it's a strictly pagan symbol. Anyone knows?
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
You people with the Mjölnirs and other pendants, do you always wear it on the outside of your shirt or doesn't it matter. Personally I both like to show mine but I also like having it close to my skin, so usually it hangs on the inside.

I also have to ask you if you know anything about a certain 'Vargkors' or 'Odin's Wolf cross' - an upside down cross with a wolf's head at the top. Some sites say it is a fusion of a Mjölnir and a cross and some say it's a strictly pagan symbol. Anyone knows?

i wear my celtik cross inside and take it out when i feel like showing it.. like for special occasions (mostly metal occasions).

i think Odin's wolf cross is stricktly pagan. i never heard of people talking about it as a fusion with christianity, unlike some Mjölnir pendants which were found by archeologits which did indeed have a christian cross on them which suggested that some vikings embraced both religions somehow..
I had one i bough on Ebay wich was pretty nice but now I ordered the Mjollnir from Alchemy gothic :| Its ok, but way to flashy for me! I also bought a silver rune ring with all the elder runes on it for like 40-45 CND. The ring ROCKS MAN. My fav. ring! (I got 2 LOL). I also want to buy another Mjollnir wch is less flashy, my old one had a rope instead of a chain wich i liked better so now i want one with a rope. I feel that the chain is too "bling-bling" for me... Also the chain is too long and the Hammer is like i said to flashy and also too big... Too... "out there'.

If anyone knows a website where i can buy one , let me know. I look on ebay and there is a few nice one but im not sure thats what i want.. I think this one ( http://www.treasuredfinds.com/p/nirv_thorshammer_b.jpg )looks nice, not to flashy, as a rope and seems authentic. What do you think?

click on jewelry&coins, then on Thor's Hammers.
About halfway down the page, item#J1017 is the one I have, it is also what I have tattooed on my right forearm and when I tell you the guy did it exactly as it looks I mean exactly, the detail is amazing and my kinsmen think it is the best hammer tat they have seen yet. Oh and hiya Tyra hun. hehe
Hey Big Daddy Sleipnir!

I mostly wear my hammer "where it wants to sit" (i.e. wherever it falls - I'm female, so half the time my neckline is low, and half the time it's high). It's not an issue if it touches my skin or is covered or not, 'cause I have a tat IN my skin for all to see. The only time I make a point of wearing it on the outside of my shirt is when I go to my mother-in-law's, but that's cuz I'm a shitdisturber.

Pagan:The meaning of the wolfcross is, as you pointed out, somewhat of a mystery. Some scholars think it is a fusion of the two religions (a cross and a hammer coming together), while others think it is an asatru hammer with the sort of "totem animal", the wolf, on it. I assume you have heard about beserkers (bärsärkar), whose "totem animal" would have been the bear. There was also a similar group of frenzied fighters with the wolf as it's "totem animal". This cross could have been favoured by someone like that. HOWEVER, the cross looks more like a crusifix than a hammer, and so does the decoration in the centre, with a very typically Christian shape ("formgivning"...crap..it's too early in the morning for me to be bilingual). BUT it is also most certainly not facing the right way if it is a cross (I am not sure at what time an up-side-down cross became a symbol for Hin Håle, so I dunno if a Norseman would have known that it was "his" symbol), and in any case, since Christians do not recognize more than one god, in today's world, one would have to use it as a pagan symbol by default.

Pyaemia: Check out Kalevala Koru (Google it - many distributors). They have really good quality jewellry of the historical replica variety. Pricey, but worth every cent. Silver is the more historically accurate material. In North America, Raymonds Quiet press has given the best service and quality for me so far in brooches, pendants, armour, knives and so on. They are also replicas.
I like my mjollnir, it was hand made for someone else who then sold it on ebay. Its peweter and I think I got for like 7$.
Man yours kicks ass man!!! I might get this one too , sorry for copying lol... but im still not sure cuz its like 58$ I think... Thats alot but the 2 dragon head that hold the Hammer kicks ass... Really cool man... I like the Hammer itself thats in the link that I posted but the ring with the 2 dragon head really kicks ass(once again)Anywayz, ill think about it :D Oh and one question, the description says that the deagonheads are linked to a leather cord. Is it adjustable or its pretty much that if i buy the thing and the cord is too long ill look like an idiot :P ???

Sleipnir said:

click on jewelry&coins, then on Thor's Hammers.
About halfway down the page, item#J1017 is the one I have, it is also what I have tattooed on my right forearm and when I tell you the guy did it exactly as it looks I mean exactly, the detail is amazing and my kinsmen think it is the best hammer tat they have seen yet. Oh and hiya Tyra hun. hehe
Oooooh, Pagan...Hin Håle is a nice name for the one whose name good Christians were not allowed to speak back in the olden days (a k a Satan himself). And it was the point of St Peter's symbol being one and the same that I was getting at - I don't know when that started and when the inverted cross started to take on the same meaning as the pentagram.
Tyra said:
Hey Big Daddy Sleipnir!

I mostly wear my hammer "where it wants to sit" (i.e. wherever it falls - I'm female, so half the time my neckline is low, and half the time it's high). It's not an issue if it touches my skin or is covered or not, 'cause I have a tat IN my skin for all to see. The only time I make a point of wearing it on the outside of my shirt is when I go to my mother-in-law's, but that's cuz I'm a shitdisturber.

Pagan:The meaning of the wolfcross is, as you pointed out, somewhat of a mystery. Some scholars think it is a fusion of the two religions (a cross and a hammer coming together), while others think it is an asatru hammer with the sort of "totem animal", the wolf, on it. I assume you have heard about beserkers (bärsärkar), whose "totem animal" would have been the bear. There was also a similar group of frenzied fighters with the wolf as it's "totem animal". This cross could have been favoured by someone like that. HOWEVER, the cross looks more like a crusifix than a hammer, and so does the decoration in the centre, with a very typically Christian shape ("formgivning"...crap..it's too early in the morning for me to be bilingual). BUT it is also most certainly not facing the right way if it is a cross (I am not sure at what time an up-side-down cross became a symbol for Hin Håle, so I dunno if a Norseman would have known that it was "his" symbol), and in any case, since Christians do not recognize more than one god, in today's world, one would have to use it as a pagan symbol by default.

Pyaemia: Check out Kalevala Koru (Google it - many distributors). They have really good quality jewellry of the historical replica variety. Pricey, but worth every cent. Silver is the more historically accurate material. In North America, Raymonds Quiet press has given the best service and quality for me so far in brooches, pendants, armour, knives and so on. They are also replicas.

Berserkers...doesnt Johann say like "after a thousand years of oppression let the berserks rise again..."? Oh, and are there any little pendant things relative to finnish people?
Pyaemia said:
Man yours kicks ass man!!! I might get this one too , sorry for copying lol... but im still not sure cuz its like 58$ I think... Thats alot but the 2 dragon head that hold the Hammer kicks ass... Really cool man... I like the Hammer itself thats in the link that I posted but the ring with the 2 dragon head really kicks ass(once again)Anywayz, ill think about it :D Oh and one question, the description says that the deagonheads are linked to a leather cord. Is it adjustable or its pretty much that if i buy the thing and the cord is too long ill look like an idiot :P ???

Thanks, I am glad you like it. It does not have an adjustable cord so I tied a knot in it and now it hangs right at the bottom of my sternum, and it's beefy too weighs in at 60 grams, looks perfect.
"Berserkers...doesnt Johann say like "after a thousand years of oppression let the berserks rise again..."? Oh, and are there any little pendant things relative to finnish people?"

Yeah, well, like I've said before: I was REALLY, REALLY ANGRY when I wrote those words, and I wanted some beserkers to come and whack some specific people in the head, or at least remind those people that they can and will eventually do that. That, boys, is what happens when you piss off a Norsewoman. I've said that before, too: The only thing worse than the wrath of a Norseman is the wrath of a Norsewoman. Read your sagas for proof, and in the meantime, never mess with the Norsewoman's child.:OMG: