MJR Guitar Selection


Return of Ganon
Oct 30, 2002
Twin Cities, MN
I've been meaning to ask this for a long time but...whatever, here goes

MJR has a couple strats in addition to his ESP MII Deluxes.
Does anyone have any info on when he is recording with a strat and when it is a MII?
Surely, he has never used a strat on a rythm track, but sometimes...you definitely hear a strat sound on the leads.
I think it may be easier to tell with the older albums, since EMG active pickups have a more processed sound to them.
To me, I can really hear a stat-like lead tone on the solos in TeoF and the first solo in The Haunting. Or is that just coming from reverb that is enhancing the tone a bit, making it sound more natural?

Eternally confused :confused:,

I'm a loser and I still don't have the first two albums, so I can't help you. But I would. You can bet he doesn't use the Strats on anything with the string-skip tapped arpeggios (they're hard to do and sound like ass on a Strat, but then again this is MJR, he could make a beat-to-hell Squire dominate).
The intro to Masquerade '98 features BOTH the MIIs and Strats, IMO.

BTW MJR has a new addition to his collection - a Vigier.

It must be a great guitar to add to his MII-s. :drool:
Actually, come to think, I reckon he didn't use a strat. Backing thed volume off a twin bucker guitar gives an almost identical sound.