MKS "Raw Tracks" Thread

gumplunger said:
Why the lack of a click in all the songs you post? To each their own, but I need practice with Beat Detective and sloppy drums make for shitty mixes. Note I haven't actually listened to the drums on any of these, I'm just speaking from experience trying to mix drums that were tracked click-less by amatuer bands.

:) I think I need to put this response in my sig.....

I only know of two drummers personally in this area that record/practice to a click. Myself and the drummer for Caje. Not that playing with a click makes me any better. I've always had a personal struggle with meter issues.

Trust me, not using the click is NOT from my lack of trying. I've expressed greatly the need to use a click but no one bites.

So, in the end, I can let me 45K investment collect dust or I can bite the bullet and be accommodating to my clients.
gumplunger said:
Why the lack of a click in all the songs you post? To each their own, but I need practice with Beat Detective and sloppy drums make for shitty mixes. Note I haven't actually listened to the drums on any of these, I'm just speaking from experience trying to mix drums that were tracked click-less by amatuer bands.

I recorded, mixed and mastered bands with and without click. And i had decent results with bands playing without a click.

Shure, it is not possible (or not easy) to make a modern, ultratight metal record without the ability to edit to a click/grid etc.

But there is music out there wich will suck with a click.

And there are drummers who will play much much better without a click (cause they are not used to it).

I made records - 10 songs - in 4 days tracking, 1 day mixing. They turned out very cool. Would we have used a click, maybe i would had edited the crap out of anything, wich might results in busting the budget and killing the music.

MKS that singer dude in kikdown ....if im not mistaken he use to be in a band called Snapback....with some of the scene of the crim guys....Snapback Recorded at Groovelab studio....So that singer better know how to record....Glenn Montis is a tuff som of bitch....God that dude is so great
Zombietakeover said:
MKS that singer dude in kikdown ....if im not mistaken he use to be in a band called Snapback....with some of the scene of the crim guys....Snapback Recorded at Groovelab studio....So that singer better know how to record....Glenn Montis is a tuff som of bitch....God that dude is so great

Glenn did some good work. Super nice guy. He answered some my stupid questions when I first got my studio gear
Hey! first post and everything, so hi everyone..

Another big thanks to MKS for putting these up, fantastic learning and everything..

Anyway, I gave the Pain Awaiting track a blast and this is my effort :

my player page

had a bit of trouble with the snare levels, and compressing the hell out of it was annoying me so I did a bit of an edit in Soundforge, the guitars sound a bit rubbish, but nevermind..


Don't get me wrong. I would be thrilled to record a project to a click. Editing would be SO MUCH easier!
PA Rich said:
Hey! first post and everything, so hi everyone..

Another big thanks to MKS for putting these up, fantastic learning and everything..

Anyway, I gave the Pain Awaiting track a blast and this is my effort :

my player page

had a bit of trouble with the snare levels, and compressing the hell out of it was annoying me so I did a bit of an edit in Soundforge, the guitars sound a bit rubbish, but nevermind..


can you maybe upload a mp3... the player does not work!
reneisgod said:
This is a great post man just getting the raw tracks at the mo,
ill give these a go at some point, would be cool to see more posts like this !

It will be awhile before I post anything else since we are moving the studio this month. However, the new location should generate a lot more business.
Machinated said:
Heres a mix for the second song, mixed it very differently. I definitely preferred this song, and I think the mix is better for it. Pretty happy with how its turning out. If anyone wants to know how I mixed it, just ask. Guitars are JMP-1 through a poweramp and cab etc.

Song 2

Sounds good! Is the snare original or sampled?
Thanks for listening man. Ill have to check, but I'm pretty sure its mostly the original, with about 35% sample or something like that. I personally am really happy with that mix, I think its one of my best yet. I need to fix the cymbals a bit on that (2 mins onwards), but otherwise I'm happy with it.
it truly does matter when the band peforms good while tracking......I have had so much better luck mixng that Kikdown band..(song 2 that is) MKS i think they are the tightest band you have put tracks up for....Its not my cup of tea but atleast they can do what they do descent

God i love steve irwin
Just an FYI:

If you want these tracks, please download them ASAP. I must remove them tomorrow so I can have more space for another project.

I can always send you a CD or DVD if you are willing to pay for postage and the price of the media.