Yet again, more raw tracks.....

SteelRat said:
I really like these mixing gives us all some real stuff to play with and get specific tips and help...thanks for posting this! Really.:rock:

No problem. It's been quite the learning experience for me.
prowlergrig said:
can you please upload the tracks somewhere else (like , etc)? yousendit isn't working for me

I'll try tonight.
prowlergrig said:
can you please upload the tracks somewhere else (like , etc)? yousendit isn't working for me

I'm working with my datacenter to get unmetered bandwidth. I've got a feeling I'm going to posting alot of shit on here since people seem to dig it.
Hey, thanks for sharing these files! Great fun!

I'm new to this stuff so my efforts are probably way off, and everyone's probably sick of this tune by now, but for what its worth heres my first bash at it. I was replacing the toms by hand, but got bored half way through so they just disappear. Guitar was Amplitube, couldn't really get a tone I was happy with...and the bass seemed to disappear after I mixed it down. This is a 128k mp3 as thats how most kids listen to music these days anyway (a la Myspace / illegal mp3's etc :D) Look forward to any more projects you might upload though!!! Thanks again!
I still can't get the vocalist scheduled to come over. I'm trying.

I may upload the tracks again but at a high bit rate. I may include the cover too.
ARuby said:
MKS - I can't seem to download the files. May I be so rude to ask you to post them again? Or is the server just down?

I can't seem to either :(
lol, I though folks were done with this thread. I just deleted them. I'll post them again tomorrow.
MKS said:
lol, I though folks were done with this thread. I just deleted them. I'll post them again tomorrow.

Great! Thanks a bunch. Will you post it with the tracks you didn't post the first time? That would be wery nice.
MKS said:
lol, I though folks were done with this thread. I just deleted them. I'll post them again tomorrow.

Will you post them the same place or another one? And will you be so kind to let us know when it's done? Thanks a lot! :kickass:
I'll do it later tonight. I want to post all tracks at the same time. I need to get the other tracks from the studio.