J the TyranT
Thats just how it is...
Nothing that happens with Fedor is luck. He knew Arlovski would commit, and he made him pay. Easy to telegraph.
That was a joke right?
Nope! MMA reminds me of that "Brutal Death Metal" thing - they think they are heavy by destroying snare drums and eating mics. But it's weak. No dramatic, no show, no "big" feelings. MMA is like this. It lives on the hype, but the matches are boring, violent and short. No big show, no dramatic, no aesthetics, little storytelling. No fun at all...
Fair enough, just don't count out that the reason that it's not as entertaining is because we actually FIGHT. Fights aren't meant to be pretty or like the movies.It's not that I disrespect hard work, but MMA just doesn't entertain me. I prefer the "larger than life"-illusion the WWE creates with all the comedy stuff and comic-style characters.
He said going into the fight he had no strategy
i really don't know why anyone has a "strategy" when going into a fight, because you never know what the other guy's going to do at any given moment
even if you think you have the other guy's style pegged, he might've been spending the last year in the gym learning totally new shit to throw at you
It's very important to strategize in this way, going into a fight with no strategy is a recipe for cream of fail with a side of pwned.
Well a lot of guys are really good at one thing, and they like to be in that element and will do WHATEVR it takes to stay there.
Chuck Liddell is a great example of this. People are finally learning how to beat him at his own game, though.