Mnemic overcompressed overheads


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
I came back on the 'Passenger' album yesterday after not listening to it for a while and the processing of the overheads has been more visible to me than before.

These ones are compressed as fuck! Sidechained on kick.
We can't really hear the attack of each cymbals only the "SHHH" between kicks but it's like an effect and the result is huge imo. It adds this 'choatic' feel to the shit.

Maybe I was sleeping for years and most of you have already noticed that but I tried processing oh's this way and it works great! Not on every kind of music of course and not as compressed as Mnemic stuff but it adds something cool... Do some of you process oh's like this or is it a common way to mix them and still new for me? :)
It's a Tue Madsen thing. He likes to group compress his drums, you can hear a bit of pumping as well. It does give an interesting effect, which can work with all the spill so long as it's not a super busy composition.
Yes Tue do this a lot. Really compressed drums and overheads 'over pumped'... Never noticed that before it's weird....