MOD update...


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
What's up rubberheads, I am in the process of demoing 2 new songs.
They are turning out really great. The songs are called.
"Red, White and Screwed" and "Jose can you see".
I don't know when I will be in the studio I am pretty much winging it so it might be a while. As far as the website, I am pretty much changing the whole thing but I haven't really figured out what I want. Oh well. You guys are gonna have to wait....
How the fuck is everyone doing???
Buzzard said:
What's up rubberheads, I am in the process of demoing 2 new songs.
They are turning out really great. The songs are called.
"Red, White and Screwed" and "Jose can you see".
I don't know when I will be in the studio I am pretty much winging it so it might be a while. As far as the website, I am pretty much changing the whole thing but I haven't really figured out what I want. Oh well. You guys are gonna have to wait....
How the fuck is everyone doing???

Gee, I wonder what "Jose can you see" will be about.....:p

Thanks for the update Billy!!!
Great news Billy. I'm looking forward to hearing the songs and the lyrics. Also
seeing you on tour again will be a fucking blast. I especially wanted to thank you for Austin this summer. With your help you made my trip of the U.S Southwest one of my most memorable trips yet.

Best Regards,

Rock on! I listened to Assghanistan all the time while I was over in that shit hole.

Which reminds me..I need to form a 1 man anti-islam black Death N Roll band.
Ever considered doing a spoken word album? Maybe some funny rants or something. Thats an album I'd wait in line to buy. Hanging out for some new tunes though.
I love the song titles, those are awesome. My 2 kids (Lauren 4, Joseph 2) still love listening to "Get Ready" (ooh yeah!!) everytime we're in the car. I'm really looking forward to the new album. Good luck with the album & website, and take care!
