I was thinking about the Vypyr amps too. Can I expect an "Outboard Revalver" or does that thing have any restrictions like only one fixed cabsim at the record-out?
There's one more thing I'd like to ask regarding my VST-performance issue:
My project has currently only 7 tracks: Drums, Bass, Guitar 1, Guitar 2, Bus 1, Bus 2 & Master Out. That means I've already started, but the DAW is already on the limit.
I'm using the follwoing VST/i's:
1x EzDrummer Metalheads
2x Drumagog
8x GEQ30
2x REVerence
2x Jack Joseph Puig
2x Eddie Kramer Drums
1x Brainworx Shreadspread
1x Waves L2
1x Voxengo Stereo Touch
1x PAZ Analyzer
1x SSL Duende Drumstrip Native
1x Blockfish Compressor
1x Studiodevil Virtual Bassamp
2x TSE Tubescreamer
2x TSE X30
2x KeFir Impulse Loader
Is that really already too much for a Core 2 Duo / 3 GB system? Ok - I have to admit I propably should use some stuff less excessive, but I'm always going for the best option and I need hardware that can handle this.
If I'd only use Windows, the solution would bhe simple - just upgrade to a modern i7 2600k DAW. But unfortunately I need MacOs X for professional reasons too.
Seems that the only solution for me would be getting myself a Hackintosh, considering the no-value-for-money politics of Apple. As far as I know they even haven't any Sandy Bridge configurations in stock. But I'm not into that topic. Are those Hackintosh systems save and stable? Are there any pre-configurated systems available that can handle Win / Mac out of the box? I don't like imagination seeing myself manage PC-problems, while I could record music.
Or does anyone have any other idea for me?