modern albums that aren't compressed/limited to death??

colonel kurtz

Sep 7, 2006
the title pretty much says it...i was just wondering if anyone had examples of modern metal releases(preferably from within the last 3-4 years) that wouldn't look like someone drew a solid black line across your screen if you loaded the tracks into your DAW
Capharnaum's "Fractured" album is pretty quiet overall, loading it up in Reaper the individual songs look relatively dynamic compared to a lot of stuff! That's Jason Suecof's band though, so he got to make all of the decisions in the mix and master so it would make sense that his own band's release wouldn't fall victim to the loudness war...
Epitaph and Kreator's Enemy of God, surprisingly enough, are both on the quieter/more dynamic/'warm' side, when it comes to the compression/limiting on the 2-bus. Epitaph is super warm sounding overall, actually - very 'natural' sounding album, especially for that style.
Not overly Metal, but HIM's Venus Doom is very quiet. I think the singles may be a tad louder though.
Haven't heard it, but I'm not surprised by that at all. Maiden is very old-school in their approach. As in "tracks the basics live to 2", no click" old-school.

Actually this last Disturbed album (10.000 Fists, which contain the song Stricken) is sensibly less overcompressed than all their previous albums.
Lateralus as a whole sounds really good and dynamic - but judging with my ears their newest one 10,000 Days got compressed pretty hard. I guess it takes a dynamic band to really be able to keep a track dynamic.