Modern Thrash Mix

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
here's the frst rough mix of a band I'm working on atm....
I was going for something between the last Testament and Kreator's "Antichrist"...but with its own vibe obviously.

Modern Thrash

Don't expect the typical modern sample replaced's a bit more raw sounding than some might like it
I dig the just sounds natural - really good drumming. Great mix! What was used for guitars? Really cool rawness to them. Boosted Mesa?
Once the vocals kicked in, I had no questions about any of your decisions. Everything gels together nicely. Nothing distracting. Nice job. Solos sound great, could be just a little bit "bigger." But everything is safe like it is. I think I expected some dynamic delay or something that's all.
Sounds better, did you lower the volume also? because it was jumping out of the mix a little. Now it´s more balanced.
Guitars sound amazing, but I do agree that the snare sounds slightly dull, maybe turn up some under mic. Also, the vocals sound like there is a slight double going on, and I think it would sound better with just a single track.