Molested - Blod Draum

Life Sucks

and then you die
Dec 30, 2002
Die bitch die!!!!!
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Yet another outstanding CD by an early/mid 1990s dm band that only ever released one CD. It has the awkward feel and rhythmic patterns of Demilich, but the riffs aren't dissonant, and instead rather melodic. I first heard it well over a year ago, but couldn't get into it, but now I'm listening to it every day.
All 3 of those bands are really straightforward death metal. Molested have a really unique feel to them because of the raw production, atmospheric riffing, and bizarre folk-ish interludes. No other band really sounded like them around the time.
Devy_Metal said:
could someone explain why this death metal album is so good or so different to say, morbid angel, nile or hate eternal. i havent heard it. what makes it so good?
Their rythmic feeling, and general feel to the riffs is different, like is the case with, say, Immolation or Gorguts, albeit in a different way. They play odd, interesting death metal, like Demilich. I'm not saying they are better than other death metal bands, but they are an interesting listen because they sound different from other death metal bands, like Immolation or Gorguts or other such bands.
I personally think Nevermore is horrible. Sanctuary's debut, however, was awesome.
Now Playing: Molested - Blod Draum - Blod Draum [01:22/03:18]
probaly the most fucked up thing i have listened to....
swizzlenuts said:
Now Playing: Molested - Blod Draum - Blod Draum [01:22/03:18]
probaly the most fucked up thing i have listened to....
But you have Demilich as your avatar. I don't know who sounds more weird and fucked up; Demilich or Molested. I say it's a tossup.
i was specifically talking about that song....

but both bands are fucked up... and im digging it...