Monday Morning Apocalypse!!!!!!!!

Vansinnesvisor said:
i wish Evergrey brings back to Sven and Patrick, In Search Of Truth is an unique album! and i hope this new cd to be something like In Search Of Truth pt. 2 :loco:
Rikard and Jonas were the best things to happen to EG after Michael and Hank.

It just so happens that TIC was not good. It was good musically, but just boring. I got it as my first EG album, listened to it a few times, put it aside and almost didn't buy any other EG albums because I was afraid they would be boring, too.
It was boring to you. I don't find it boring at all and I've listened through it many many times. It is true that the riffs and general sound of the album is a little simpler than the past albums. This does't equate to less interesting for me, but I can see how it might for some.

Back to the title thing though....I would tend to agree with people who didn't like Recreation Day for a titlle. Thinking about it now is different because I love the album. I got into Evergrey when RD was new, and when I first heard the title I thought it was a little odd sounding. I think it just goes to show the name doesnt indicate how much I'll enjoy the album.

I think they should just put a few samples up to settle it once and for all! Anyone with me on that?
DragonOfBlood said:
How is "The Inner Circle" boring? How about almost every song has the same open E riff chugging over and over again. It's monotonous and boring.QUOTE]

The same open E riff huh. Rethink your guitar dynamics, and yes I do realize that you're exaggerating. There are way too many other elements to the album than just riffage which makes it a very not boring release. To each his own I suppose...
1Time said:
It was boring to you. I don't find it boring at all and I've listened through it many many times. It is true that the riffs and general sound of the album is a little simpler than the past albums. This does't equate to less interesting for me, but I can see how it might for some.

Back to the title thing though....I would tend to agree with people who didn't like Recreation Day for a titlle. Thinking about it now is different because I love the album. I got into Evergrey when RD was new, and when I first heard the title I thought it was a little odd sounding. I think it just goes to show the name doesnt indicate how much I'll enjoy the album.

I think they should just put a few samples up to settle it once and for all! Anyone with me on that?
Didn't see me speaking for anyone else, especially you, did I, oh greatness?

Glad you didn't find it boring, stop making like I insulted your mother and enjoy the album, especially since your post means nothing since you acknowledge how it might be boring for some.
DragonOfBlood said:
Yeah. but Recreation Day is a cool title.

Unless you're a native english speaker ;) It's a good title but it sort of has an accidental double meaning that is rather humorous.

Incidentally I think it's their most diverse (perhaps best) album. TIC is good but not my fav.

I think the only reason the new title sounds in any way "emo" is because of emo bands making so many stupid titles stringing random words together like "My Bleeding Death Pants" or "As I Bleed From Death" they really like prepositional phrases without context. I think if the album's theme is appropriate Monday Morning Apocalypse is a fine title. Looking foreward to the album.

Ps. Hi, I usually lurk in here from time to time and post regularly in other UM forums.
Matt Lee said:
I think the only reason the new title sounds in any way "emo" is because of emo bands making so many stupid titles stringing random words together like "My Bleeding Death Pants" or "As I Bleed From Death" they really like prepositional phrases without context. I think if the album's theme is appropriate Monday Morning Apocalypse is a fine title. Looking foreward to the album.

Yeah, you're right, the title may sound bad because people hear titles like this everyday now,
because of those over-emotional stupid music.

The new Evergrey cd won't sound EMO at all!!
but fucking heavy metal!
I don't know what EMO is, but I know a lot of stupid record titles. This is not one of them - as long as you can relate it to the music - which, of course, has to be good.
sknight said:
Didn't see me speaking for anyone else, especially you, did I, oh greatness?

Glad you didn't find it boring, stop making like I insulted your mother and enjoy the album, especially since your post means nothing since you acknowledge how it might be boring for some.

You said it was boring as if it was a fact. You also said it "wasn't good" as if that was a fact. You're the only one getting insulted here. Acknowledging other people's thoughts is something you should look into sometime.
Havermout said:
Late March/early April........

.....A perfect time of the year for a big and nice release party. It's been a while i've seen the boys on stage and that i visited Sweden :Spin:

hehe.....we might as well meet there again then ;)
1Time said:
You said it was boring as if it was a fact. You also said it "wasn't good" as if that was a fact. You're the only one getting insulted here. Acknowledging other people's thoughts is something you should look into sometime.
Ok, I'll acknowledge your thoughts. TIC is boring as hell and so are you for liking it so much.

There are your "facts", Mr Malaka.
Settle down, guys - we're supposed to be celebrating the upcoming release of a new album, not kicking each other in the teeth over differences of opinion.
Yeah I thought so too. So I'll just bow to sknight's incredible wit. TIC sucks and so do I.

So, back to EG, they went as a support act on a US tour just as the Inner Circle was released. Since they were just announced for PP in Atlanta, has there been any word about other touring here in the US for the new album?
Matt Lee said:
Unless you're a native english speaker ;) It's a good title but it sort of has an accidental double meaning that is rather humorous.

Incidentally I think it's their most diverse (perhaps best) album. TIC is good but not my fav.

I think the only reason the new title sounds in any way "emo" is because of emo bands making so many stupid titles stringing random words together like "My Bleeding Death Pants" or "As I Bleed From Death" they really like prepositional phrases without context. I think if the album's theme is appropriate Monday Morning Apocalypse is a fine title. Looking foreward to the album.

Ps. Hi, I usually lurk in here from time to time and post regularly in other UM forums.

I am a native english speaker, and I like the irony in the title "Recreation Day".

This new title just sounds retarded. It sounds like some shitty screamo BS.

First Evergrey comes up with this awful title, and then Rob Zombie comes up with "Educated Horses". Something is foul in the state of metal.

Since Iced Earth, Iron Maiden AND King Diamond are all releasing albums this year, I was thinking what they might name their albums. Keeping with current trends, I decided that Iced Earth's new album is going to be along the lines of "A Walk Through the Meadows", Iron Maiden's new release is going to be called "Hold My Hand As I Die From the Bleeding Wounds In My Soul" and King Diamond's newest shall be entitled "March of the Daisies".
sknight said:
So what is the double meaning of Recreation Day?

1. Recreation Day - as a day of rest, joy or refreshment of health.

2. Recreation Day - as in a day of re-creation (re-create), to build something new, start again.

That's how I see it, and it's bloody genius.

Stay Grey
what the fuck, please change that title as soon as possible. Terrible title, it sounds like they're trying to reach out to fans who don't like going to work on mondays or some shit. This isn't evergrey title at all... :yell: They couldn't pick "Unspeakable" or "At a Loss for Words" or something? I mean those are songs on the album...
DragonOfBlood said:
I am a native english speaker, and I like the irony in the title "Recreation Day".

This new title just sounds retarded. It sounds like some shitty screamo BS.

First Evergrey comes up with this awful title, and then Rob Zombie comes up with "Educated Horses". Something is foul in the state of metal.

Since Iced Earth, Iron Maiden AND King Diamond are all releasing albums this year, I was thinking what they might name their albums. Keeping with current trends, I decided that Iced Earth's new album is going to be along the lines of "A Walk Through the Meadows", Iron Maiden's new release is going to be called "Hold My Hand As I Die From the Bleeding Wounds In My Soul" and King Diamond's newest shall be entitled "March of the Daisies".

Well, I dont' completely agree with you on the title, (it's ok, not great, but ok) but you're other album titles are hilarious. :loco:
Quit bitching about the title... you sound like a bitch of 2 year olds.

If I know Evergrey, the title probably has some meaning that will make sense once you HEAR the album.

Besides, what really matters is that the album kicks ass.
People only bitch because they aren't 100% confident in what the next album will be. Will it be light, as they've been making a trend towards? Will it be heavy? Probably not as heavy, especially since it looks like they are positioning themselves towards a major label next time around.'

They are looking for sales.
Evergrey's not like that. Besides anywhere besides the states they seem to have enough sales. And Tom's gotta be loaded with all the producing he's done. I mean have you seen the E TV Cribs section? They seem fucking stacked with money to have a house like that and especially their drawers with the EG logo on them. This album better be the best one they ever made.