Monday Morning Apocalypse!!!!!!!!

When John bonham died so did the Zepplin. I am A drummer of 20+ years and found Pat to be one of those drummers who constantly moves you every time you listen to his work. He made Evergrey the whole part it had become. Jonas is schooled and proficient but that adds nothing to such a vital subtraction as Pat. I still am waitng for Evergrey to hit the quality of ISOT and RD. TIC has some great riffs but was very avareage in my opinion.And the drums where fine although predictable and sonically disaponting. Pat had that Peart meets Bohnam meets Mikkey Dee meets Portnoy bleesing type play. I rarley find drummers who keep me as long as he has. I am a firm believer that a musician who brings so much in the way of creativity and truley helps form the style of another band mate can ever be replaced. I hope the new disc is at the very least strong song wise. I enjoy the structure of RD and the flow of ISOT. I miss Pat and hope that the light wil shine to the fat skulls that think they canreach what they where so close to without him. I wish them the best and hope to hear from any one who loves and misses Pat and his amazing play>
I see ignorance all over this thread. Why judge the album about its tittle ?

And for the acknowledgement, band member changes could occur in life. It is normal. Evergrey changed members many time through its career. But soul of its music is still the same. Unless if you just listen to the drums, and not the music as a whole.
actually i dnt care about the name of the album,anyway that would be another Evergrey masterpiece for me
I have really high expectations from the new album
Keep rockin!
The Inner Circle is my favorite EVERGREY album. Followed by Recreation Day, Solitude*Dominance*Tragedy, In Search of Truth, and The Dark Discovery. TIC is a masterpiece! The story is amazing, as are the tunes. The twin guitar harmony in A Touch of Blessing kills me every time! These guys can do NO wrong as far as I'm concerned!
Back in 2003, I didn't really have a music preference. That is until I stumbled upon "The Great Deceiver," and immediately after hearing it I had to get Recreation Day. That entire album was amazing, and since I had gotten the Limited Edition, the Trilogy of the Damned was badass too. I've been working my way back, but with regards to The Inner Circle: it is a great album, it opens and closes strong, and is backed by a great storyline. But it was definitely missing something, like the songs just didn't have solid differences. It's hard to pinpoint.
GOD!!! Im I THE ONLY one who find the dark discovery to be a beautiful album!? I mean,listen to trust and betrayel,closed eyes,blackened dawn...and for every tear that faaalls? well,no matter...I think the title is genius,cause it getting to all of you,haha:P evergrey definetly has a more genius consept behind it than any of us could ever imagine!

stay grey<3
my god you people like to jump to conclusions... at the earliest indication that Evergrey might not be playing by all the "True Metal" rules... you people freak out! Are you truly Evergrey fans? The driving motivation for Evergrey's existence is not to pander to every whim of some internet forum denizen like sknight... but to create music that satisfies them. It is more important that Evergrey enjoys what they're doing... than to take the safe route and pander to their fanbase. I'll take an unconventional, unpredictable album that comes from the hearts of the band... than some predictable going-through-the-motions re-creation of "Recreation Day". Allow the band to move on... and hopefully we'll enjoy their future musical endeavors.
Ha, that's funny.

They obviously took heart about creative criticism so much that they addressed the "boring" nature of TIC in the interview section for A Night to Remember.

More important to enjoy what they're doing rather than pander to the fans? All I see on the EG board are fans that say "ANYTHING EG MAKES IS GOOD", so that means there's no motivation for the band to make anything good, since you sheep will buy anything they put out, even if it's crap, so long as its got the EG label on it.

The only form of life lower than the Long Island housewife is a metal fan that becomes so enamoured with a band that they willingly accept crap from them, such as the legions of Dream Theater fans that say "It's Dream Theater and that's all I care about".

Safe route? Evergrey went from death metal before they got signed to doing Dilba Demirbag covers and becoming mainstream in their country.
Your response misses the point entirely... and I suppose is rather predictable. Your delusional rantings do not warrant the effort of a response... though I do think it is much more brave for a metal band to do a cover of an incredibly non-metal... and quite fragile melancholic ballad like Dilba's "I'm Sorry" than to churn out death metal banality that is an easy sell to the metal community.
Evergrey is not as dark as it used to be, but they were a long way from death metal, even with the first disc. That's not a bad thing, though; to produce the same kind of album over and over again would be incredibly boring. I like that they take chances and do things differently each time around.

One of the things that have made them great is that they do what THEY want to do; they have *never* pandered to fans or to the record company. They will always have a core group of fans that will probably love just about everything they do, but they've never set out to please *everyone* - they make the records that make THEM happy. (The same is also true of Pain of Salvation, whom I also love.)

Wait til the album comes out before you jump to conclusions. If you don't like it, return it. *shrug*
I LOVE the meaning of the title: 'As The WorkWeek begins, The World Ends".If the title had been Tuesday instead of Monday, it would be about NYC 9/11/01. Think 'bout them apples.

What part of that DON'T you folks get?

Btw, Recreation Day was BY FAR Eg's ONLY BAD ALBUM.
It's just riffs without purpose. Time without shape.
turke said:
I see ignorance all over this thread. Why judge the album about its tittle ?

And for the acknowledgement, band member changes could occur in life. It is normal. Evergrey changed members many time through its career. But soul of its music is still the same. Unless if you just listen to the drums, and not the music as a whole.
Pat was there a long time (he and tom the longest) and I still love the band I just worry the absence of Pat will be felt much deeper than simply a new musician.I cant explain the way pat made evergrey better either you get it or you dont and thats cool.Take care. I hope the new allbum rocks!
NeonKnite said:
Quit bitching about the title... you sound like a bitch of 2 year olds.

If I know Evergrey, the title probably has some meaning that will make sense once you HEAR the album.

Besides, what really matters is that the album kicks ass.
Agreed 100%.